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File: 75ca0e7e2347906⋯.png (273.68 KB, 1155x2061, 385:687, 2186750_Cirrhosis_from_HCV….png)

875bd6  No.352072

Everybody wants hepatitis C these days…

But not everybody can get it…

So you might want to share used syringes with junkies, as that's probably the fastest way you can contract hepatitis C…

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43b6f8  No.352086

I've noticed the cool recent trend of hepatis C save, and I would like to have hepatitis C also

But I don't hang out with disgusting needle junkies

So I don't know anybody I can share a syringe with

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43b6f8  No.352087

A wonder if Jerry could mail me one of his used syringes, The same way he mailed me LSD

( Which was an Analog, not actual lsd)

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43b6f8  No.352088

I realized Jerry quit injecting heroin several years ago, But like they say, Once a junkie, always a junkie….

I'm sure hes got a few used syringes laying around somewhere

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