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File: 75a01495c9c37a3⋯.mp4 (12.43 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 20220903_201522.mp4)

11909f  No.351949

Watching it for the 4th time

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11909f  No.351954

File: 0b79f45a966172e⋯.jpg (95.94 KB, 720x960, 3:4, Picsart_22_09_03_18_22_44_….jpg)

File: 0b79f45a966172e⋯.jpg (95.94 KB, 720x960, 3:4, Picsart_22_09_03_18_22_44_….jpg)

File: 0b79f45a966172e⋯.jpg (95.94 KB, 720x960, 3:4, Picsart_22_09_03_18_22_44_….jpg)

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9ca92c  No.352016

File: 8a2eb65b2345493⋯.jpg (57.54 KB, 430x513, 430:513, Elvis_Liked_Cock.jpg)


> Elvis

> Watching it for the 4th time

Proof of (You)r faggotry.

My gf and I couldn't make it an hour in.

Even Elvis would have thought it was Gay AF — just like (You).

No wonder (You) spend all day every day focused on the sex lives and penises of other men, especially the young ones!

It's OK. We don't hold it against (You) that (You)'re Gay. (You) don't have to keep trying to pretend your heterosexual sex life is going well. We already know where (You) are spending all (You)r time, and how.

(You)'re a faggot, Johnny!

Like I said, It's OK!

ButtThe Elvis Movie was Gay AF!

No heterosexual would deny that.

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1d66b6  No.352036


says the man who pimps out his youngest daughter….

Which is understandable because she's a prostitute at heart

And you know that because you were her 1st customer

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1d66b6  No.352037

Speaking of which, unlike you I've got money

You already let me adopt your younger daughter

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1d66b6  No.352038

Ought to*

Let me adopt her and I can handle the pimping from that point on

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1d66b6  No.352039


Speaking of penises and Nancy :

Were you honest with her up front, or did you let her discover you had given her hepatitis c on her own?

Since you don't have the balls to admit that you're white trash, it's highly unlikely you had the balls to admit you gave yourself Hep C by sharing used syringes with other diseased junkies….

Or did you tell her the truth : " If you have sex with me, I'm going to give you hepatitis C" ?

Only an idiot woman would allow a scumbag white trash junkie to give her hepatitis C

So either you lied or she's stupid as shit

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1d66b6  No.352040

The good news is after having sex with you, Nancy can have sex with any other man, As long as she tells them to wear 4 condoms

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1d66b6  No.352041

Your family is garbage

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1d66b6  No.352042

Quite literally white trash

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1d66b6  No.352043

White trash creates more white trash

And they will give you white trash grandchildren

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1d66b6  No.352044

The difference between you and Elvis:

Elvis injected his drugs intermuscularly

You injected yours interveniously

And Elvis didn't share needles

So he never contracted hepatitis C in Portland Oregon being a heroin junkie

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1d66b6  No.352045

And Elvis didn't survive off welfare

Nor did he lie about it in chat rooms

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1d66b6  No.352046

You're a fucking clown….


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1d66b6  No.352047

I see you made it farther into the Elvis movie that you did into trump's 2nd administration

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1d66b6  No.352048

You're a scumbag… You're a coward and a white trash scumbag and a Pathetic shitty father

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1d66b6  No.352049

You and your family are literally garbage white trash worthless individuals

If your daughter's grow up to be anything like you, they will be human human garbage

Used condoms. Scumbags filled with scum…. That's what your daughters are

But what would you expect after being raised by a white trash coward

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1d66b6  No.352050

Anytime you think you're man enough to follow through with your threats of a Civil War, Come bring it to me….

You fucking 100 pound tooth pick

You're Almost as intimidating as a cancer patient

You have consumptive disorder obviously

Something it's literally consuming you

We know about the hepatitis C

But you never mentioned hiv

Because in a hospital, If they find out you use to use syringes, They will silently They will silently Check off the boxes for aids and hepatitis C

Because statistics have proven needle junkies always share needles

And statistics have proven junkies who share needles hepatitis C and aids

Not just one disease


Meaning there's a greater than 90% chance you're prostitute daughters were raised by an aids junkie

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1d66b6  No.352051

File: a7cf9c475545f18⋯.png (439.38 KB, 541x1403, 541:1403, Picsart_22_09_03_13_11_43_….png)

Your biceps are not existent

Your wrists look like my index finger

It would be so easy to break you into pieces

A twelve-year-old could beat the shit out of you

lol @ You thinking people perceive you as being an intimidating biker guy

I'll pay you $50 to have sex with both of your daughters

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1d66b6  No.352052

The difference between you and a skeleton :

You've got skin

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1d66b6  No.352053

And yes I'm aware $50 for both daughters it's twice as much as you normally charge

I just wanted to teach them how CLASSY CUSTOMERS Will pay them

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1d66b6  No.352054

Tell your daughter's I'll throw in an extra $200 each….

But they literally have to eat my thesis after I raped them

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1d66b6  No.352055

Tell them if they don't eat my feces all they're going to get is $25 a piece

They can finally serve a purpose

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1d66b6  No.352056

The same way Nancy finally served a purpose when she became a hepatitis C toilet

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1d66b6  No.352057

Hopefully one of these days you'll grow a pair of balls, And you'll work up the courage to tell us the truth about the day you contracted hepatitis C…

It would be hilarious hearing your version of the story

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1d66b6  No.352058

You'll lie and omit and bend over backwards which to avoid looking stupid… because you're a fucking worthless coward

That's why it would be hilarious watching you watching you try to make it seem like you put some logical thought into into it when you shared used syringes with disgusting junkies

Of course you'll try to make it appear as if it wasn't your fault

But the truth of the matter is you're a scumbag junkie

Even after you quit using syringes, you'll always be a scumbag junkie

A walking disease

Living testimony to the disgusting decisions you've made in the past

Society's lowest common denominator

A fucking scumbag needle using junkie

Is a stupid piece of shit who shared syringes with a diseased hepatitis C patient

You literally allowed A disgusting vit's a disgusting virus to leave another person's body and enter your body by means of a by means of a used syringe

Just so you could get high for a few hours

You're disgusting

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