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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: 8b5868738846d58⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 300.38 KB, 480x960, 1:2, Screenshot_20220903_113603.png)

9867b5  No.351912

A colored bigot who tells you America is racist and white people are evil is a bigot,the selfish cowardly liars that have risen to the top and represent so many of the colored community shows they are currently in a state of self-service, they could blame the news but that would ignore the acts of their communities members. Their service of our wealthy pervert class is an abomination, designed to replace the just Americans who have refused to serve the rule… But lots of poor colored cowards will, integration is possible, just not with selfish cowards. Don't support tv media services

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261d72  No.351919

File: 4748a6f6dd29d04⋯.jpg (332.53 KB, 1280x876, 320:219, dugin_westerners_racist.jpg)

You know where BLM and antifa get their talking points about Whites? From bolshevik russia the jewish nation. All those mongs don't even think their own thoughts….haha HAHAHA

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