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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: 7e9ce301777823d⋯.png (873.97 KB, 1080x822, 180:137, _white_2.png)

2fc993  No.351718

faggot Mossad agent, can call into his show

913 279 0831

he's live


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fc4df5  No.351758

File: 9ad26e16c5aaf3a⋯.png (224.31 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, Picsart_22_09_02_16_18_22_….png)


You're the same GENIUS who only yesterday discovered that Jews aren't "white"….

And today you finally discovered YouTube?

just like you, always cutting edge….


……who knows what you'll discover tomorrow, huh?

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fc4df5  No.351759

File: 80a1025f9de3829⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1419x1080, 473:360, Picsart_22_09_02_16_23_45_….png)


Now I finally understand why your mother a bitch eventually stopped asking you if you're ever going to get a girlfriend…

When it all gets too much for you, instead of becoming a mass shooter, just Put the barrel of the gun in your mouth and and make all the anguish go away forever…

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fc4df5  No.351760

File: 55b764769af6af0⋯.mp4 (2.91 MB, 480x854, 240:427, km_20220901_5_Copy_480p_30….mp4)


By the way, don't feel bad or embarrassed about the inability to secure a sexual companion of the opposite gender….

You're not the 1st homosexual on planet Earth…

In fact, 97% of boys who played video games ended up becoming penis sucking homosexuals…

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