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File: 37fa5079f60db73⋯.png (816.43 KB, 816x1056, 17:22, 4.png)

9a44d3  No.351676

The blacks are conducting a reign of terror by committing massive amounts of violent crime around the globe, and the jews have their back.

We will not allow a country where people must live in fear of niggers, nor will we allow ourselves to be governed by those who do not represent our interests.


I strongly suggest you view, learn and *share* the document available here:

http://naggers.hs.vc or http://naggers.ix.tc (HTML format, website)(download mirrors)(recommended)

https://files.catbox.moe/52salp.pdf (PDF format, 48 MB)(recommended)

https://files.catbox.moe/as5ux6.zip (DOC format, 102 MB)

(67 pages with infographics, lulz, and more)


The jews own the governments and media in the west.

The jews use their power to pass anti-white laws, run anti-white media, censor black crimes and intensely promote miscegenation, LGBT and “diversity.”

We are in a situation where we cannot rely on or trust the governments.

The nigger problem (crime & welfare & affirmative action & forced diversity) must be brought to everyone’s attention until it is fixed.

Whites are being punished for acting too civilized and not fighting back.

Anti-racism and “diversity” must be abolished.

Permanent version of the thread at http://nagger.ix.tc (over 320 images)

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23ac71  No.351681


AndIwould strongly suggest that YOU contemplate the fact that ALL HUMANS HAVE MUTATED BASE NEGRO DNA…


including your mother….

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42d783  No.351704

File: 3e5d5e7ca8c7c51⋯.jpg (56.73 KB, 720x900, 4:5, kmc_20220901_053714.jpg)


In MY book…..


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42d783  No.351705

File: 4b0968c0e57ea92⋯.mp4 (10.67 MB, 960x720, 4:3, km_20220901_3_Copy_720p_30….mp4)

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42d783  No.351706

File: 29c73e94d08eb24⋯.mp4 (11.64 MB, 540x540, 1:1, km_20220901_2_540p_30f_202….mp4)

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785aa1  No.351712

File: 52e9fd4d9c338ae⋯.jpg (393.2 KB, 2334x1246, 1167:623, Picsart_22_09_01_19_26_18_….jpg)


You are decidedly unoriginal….

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785aa1  No.351713

File: 0e9cd7b961c7d5a⋯.mp4 (4.52 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, km_20220901_5_720p_30f_202….mp4)

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785aa1  No.351714

File: 3483a194f0a3c45⋯.mp4 (11.11 MB, 720x900, 4:5, km_20220831_1_720p_30f_202….mp4)

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785aa1  No.351715

File: 49608336947b941⋯.mp4 (3.44 MB, 960x720, 4:3, rollerskatez.mp4)

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b43f88  No.351724

File: 3faeaafc0c3b829⋯.png (538.89 KB, 680x673, 680:673, why_wont_god_blow_up_sun.png)


Totally not true. Blacks can't even be genetically regressed past 30,000 years ago. They are a hominid cross just like all non-Whites.

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59a088  No.351739


>why_won't_god_ blow_up_the_sun.png

priceless. for everything thing else there's mastercard with 27.47% APR.

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b2a19a  No.351905



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b2a19a  No.351906


….and you thought dropping out of school was a good idea WHY?……

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b2a19a  No.351907


….I'm guessing the day you finally learned the word HOMINID, you thought to yourself, "this word will make me seem intelligent" ???

you were mistaken

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b2a19a  No.351909




And your fragile ego doesn't change anything

I'm sorry if you have a hard time processing the fact that you are a mutated nigger nigger monkey

But that's the least of your problems…

The fact that you are a complete loser and totally a totally alone in your pathetic empty existence, getting older by the hour, less and less likely to ever have children, and spend your weekend evenings sitting by yourself staring at a cheap obsolete computer..

THAT'S something you CAN change….

But you'll never be able to change the fact that you are a worthless mutated nigger

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53c0e8  No.351911

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53c0e8  No.351913

File: 6d133581aba116a⋯.jpg (171.4 KB, 1280x1145, 256:229, data_genetic_DNA_global_co….jpg)


You are dumber than a packet of cold ramen. It is highly likely that you are too stupid to work out what this means but maybe someone else will enjoy laughing at you.

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b2a19a  No.351914

File: cc298bb5d17e9ce⋯.png (994.4 KB, 1091x1080, 1091:1080, Picsart_22_09_03_14_41_28_….png)

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b2a19a  No.351915


Laugh all you want, lonely guy…

AGAIN : You had no right to Judge your mother for dating black guys after your father left her… She's part nigger, just like you…

Because all human beings are built On the negro DNA base

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b2a19a  No.351916


She was lonely….


Certainly you can relate

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b2a19a  No.351917


SURE they were stupid niggers…….

But when you're desperate, you'll settle for just about anything….

So you really can't blame her

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b2a19a  No.351918


Speaking of being a desperate chump…..

How did Friday night go for you?….

I bet you got your dick sucked all night long, didn't you?…..

You're a PLAYA

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3ec923  No.351920

That kike bot is losing its shit in this thread.

Too bad it is muted.

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b2a19a  No.351921


Last night, my wife got mad at me because I did my famous "WHOOPSIE DAISY" technique..

That's the one where I keep pretending like I'm accidentally hitting the wrong hole..

As if I didn't realize I was switching it back-and-forth between her snatch and asshole

And giving her another urinary tract infection

I bet you've got a hot night planned For Saturday?

Are you going to pull a "WHOOPSIE DAISY "too?

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d115c9  No.351922


lol @ you thinking running and hiding like a little girl is considered a victory

I wonder how many of the world's militaries train their soldiers to run and hide behind Sissy filters when things get tough…

Is not exactly the most masculine of behaviors

It's strange how you decided to run and hide as soon as somebody mentioned the fact that you don't get any pussy

Last night, my wife got mad at me because I did my famous "WHOOPSIE DAISY" technique..

That's the one where I keep pretending like I'm accidentally hitting the wrong hole..

As if I didn't realize I was switching it back-and-forth between her snatch and asshole

And giving her another urinary tract infection

I bet you've got a hot night planned For Saturday?

Are you going to pull a "WHOOPSIE DAISY "too?

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d115c9  No.351923


Don't have a girlfriend or a wife

There is no woman who finds you attractive

You simply don't have what it takes

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d115c9  No.351924

Apparently, women don't think you have anything to offer

You've got nothing to bring to the table

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3daa18  No.351925


So Let me make sure I understand this correctly….

Somebody mentions that you can't get any pussy….. That you're a douchebag who sits in front of a computer on Fris another computer on Friday and Saturday night….

And the way you stand up for yourself is by RUNNING AND HIDING LIKE A LITTLE GIRL?

Is you serious? That's the way you live your life? Hiding behind Imaginary security blankets?

Have you ever contemplated the fact the fact that this behavior contributes to your lack of a sexual companion?

Has it ever crossed your mind that women aren't attracted to cowards?

Why would a woman be attracted to a man who runs and hides in the chat room?

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7f41a9  No.351926


I admire your technique of running and hiding behind the Sissy filter….

It shows a certain amount of courage on your part to admit that you are a coward

It's too bad it doesn't have any efficacy, but what the hell… right?….

it SEEMED like it would end your problems


But the only thing that matters here is courage


And demonstrating your cowardice took a lot of courage on your part

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7f41a9  No.351927


Hey, Sassy…. I've got shit to take care of today…

My wife will be home soon and we've got a list of weekend chores to tackle.

So let's just cut to the Chase, OK?

No reason to beat around the Bush


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3f7c1e  No.351928


This is really simple…. okay?….

It's called THE BIRDS & THE BEES…..

see, Women enjoy sex too believe it or not

Women enjoy fucking just as much as men do…. believe it or not…

So there can only be it be a handful of reasons why a man isn't having sex with at least one woman…

There are 4 billion women on this planet





And I realized you're going to click your Sissy filter again

But this question isn't going away

I promise you will deal with this question today

It's Saturday. Saturday night is upon us

Everybody's getting their Dick sucked on Saturday night…

God knows I'm going to.. I'm not going to let any sexual opportunities slip through my fingers, goddamn it… fuck no !!!

Why would a man voluntarily allow amazing sexual experiences to pass him by?

Why would any red blooded male Cheat himself out of amazing memories like that?

It's Saturday night, goddammit!

And since the beginning of time…


Because we are MEN….

we are animals…. it's what we do….

That's the only reason you exist…

Because your father had balls

Your father found the inner animal

So it's not a genetic flaw, It's not an inherited disorder, it's internal, it obviously originally manifested in you

so you WILL deal with question

The question will continue, Tonight……. The next day. And the next day…………… the day after that…. Into the foreseeable future, in fact… because I'm afraid you'll eventually learn your Sissy filters are not capable of preventing me from communicating with you

And that's exactly what I'm doing today

I'm communicating……

I'm reaching out to you and communicating a very important message :

"you ain't shit"

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7048c5  No.351930





Finding a woman is holding up the easiest things In life

It's so easy that a caveman can do it

So can you explain why you don't seem to be capable of it?

Being able to secure a wife or girlfriend is THE most fundamental aspect of a man's existence

If a manCAN'Tprocure a woman in his life, It's a really really bad sign… it indicates LOTS of other unseen flaws and weaknesses in his life…

Put quite simply, NOT having a life companion or a sexual partner demonstrates a broken functionality… a 'machine that doesn't work'…. an 'assembly line reject'….

Because Even the biggest losers, inbred white trash, worthless niggers and down syndrome motherfuckers get pussy..

So I'm expecting honesty out of you, because you ARE an intelligent man….. you are NOT stupid

You're obviously very intelligent…..

I do not think you're stupid…

I just think you're a dork

It's all. I just think you're a fucking dork


Why can't you find even ONE Woman who thinks you're cool enough to let you fuck her?

It takes… just being cool

That's it……. just being cool…

If you're even moderately cool, trust me you'll find several chicks willing to fuck you…

Just even vaguely cool… And you'll find chicks who will suck your Dick on Saturday night…

So would you like to explain the reason why you can't even find a fat Ugly desperate woman who thinks you're cool enough to suck your Dick?

I mean seriously.. I'm trying to have a conversation here….

And that conversation is going to require your participation

So… tell me the reason why you're not getting your Dick sucked tonight…

I mean really dude. You're not in a wheelchair or anything… It's not like you're a quadriplegic or in a persistent vegetative state…

What's going on in your life? What's the problem?

Talk to me dude… What's the problem here?

It's obviously a YOU problem…

It's not their fault…. It's your fault

The problem is happening inside of YOU



I'm not even being rude

I'm not being mean

I'm simply asking you….

What's your fucking problem?

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7048c5  No.351931

Anybody who runs and hides behind a Sissy button deserves whatever they read afterwards…

If you can't handle ME, then I'm really worried about you out there in the real world…

Plus, I'm kind of offended… let me explain

I'm the Closest thing you've got to a real friend right now…. Obviously, I'm the only human taking out the time to speak to you…

That speaks volumes about you

As much as it speaks volumes about me

And it's really all about perception, isn't it?

I'm giving you respect respect. I'm asking you asking you questions like a FRIEND…

This is the same exact A conversation I would have with you in real life if we grew up together.. Trust me



Believe it or not, this is how friends talk to each other… we don't walk on eggshells an egg gels…

Keep it 100 motherfucker

So tell me

Tell me bro

What's your dysfunction?

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7048c5  No.351932

So I find it kind of offensive

That when I'm trying to be your friend…

You accuse me of "losing my shit"

What does that even mean anyway?

Losing my shit?

Are you suggesting I'm off my rocker?

Are you inferring that I'm I'm unstable somehow?…

If People don't behave in your preferred chat room culture parroted behaviors, you accuse them of being insane?

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7048c5  No.351933

Let's just begin with you addressing the obvious question 1st….

And when you're done, You can accuse me of being insane all you'd like

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7048c5  No.351936

And it seems like somebody as smart as you would realize you should actually be thanking me right now….

Thanking me for just being honest with you

Thanking me for keeping it real

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7048c5  No.351937

File: 49608336947b941⋯.mp4 (3.44 MB, 960x720, 4:3, rollerskatez.mp4)

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7048c5  No.351938

Keeping it real, Broham….


I don't give a fuck about your political opinions

Nobody gives a fuck about anybody else's opinions

There are billions of opinions and I don't give a fuck about any of them, including my own….

If I don't care about my own opinions, why the fuck Would I care about yours?

You can keep your opinions to yourself

That shit doesn't matter

I'm talking about real life shit here

I'm talking about the real shit

What's your fucking problem?

Are you even attracted to women?

Or not being mean

Are you gay?

Because if you are, you should just admit it

Nobody respects somebody who lies to themselves

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7048c5  No.351939

see, this is simply based on a law of averages…

Better than 85% chance you don't have a girlfriend….

It's just statistics….

Only a 15% chance I could be wrong, mathematically speaking… and those are my kind of odds

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7048c5  No.351940

And you can accuse me of being wrong

be my guest…..

LOL But there's only a 15% chance That I'm wrong..

So the burden of proof is on you… not Mr

I'm simply sharing statistics

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7048c5  No.351941

So just like I'd ask one of my real life buddies

"What's your weird problem, dude?"

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