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7ea316  No.351630

It was also believed that these nations would move onto Europe, maybe towards the end of the same year or beginning of 2023 and that the Pope would be captured and imprisoned somewhere in Iraq. Rome and the Vatican were to be captured and destroyed. In the following year, the Allies would take over Rome, and the war would pick up a different route, but not for long as the Muslim countries would take over Rome again. This war was supposed to go on till 2029, and till then, the Arab countries are believed to progress with nuclear weapons and capture the whole of Europe, but they won’t progress beyond the equator in Africa. According to theories on the interpretation of the Quran, the holy book of Islam, there will be a complete annihilation of the Muslim countries, and even the Bible is believed to predict that the Vatican city will end due to a major war brought on due to the Antichrist.

The predictions also state that the death toll will be even bigger than World War I and World War II combined. Nearly one-third of the population will die, and the rest will suffer. According to some of the predictions, India and China will not participate in this war. Hence, when almost all the countries will be destroyed, these two countries will be safe. The predictions also state that this war will end the development of science and when (and if) the fourth World War takes place, people will have to use trees and twigs as weapons.

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