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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: 79991c0aee1db70⋯.png (54.52 KB, 250x219, 250:219, banned_Zardoz_says_drama.png)

cf852d  No.351527

On shitchan over two days I was prompted to make two posts on two different boards saying "grow up" to racists is wrong as it's typically spoiled children who are the ones that can't see reality. The youth are antinatlist, atheist, west haters. To my surprise these posts were cataloged and after a few hours of use today I was banned with both of the posts cited as the reason I was banned.

This leads me to believe that mods are looking for wrong think and want to push the notion that is it normal to hate the west and how things naturally happened for tens of thousands of years.

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