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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

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9481dd  No.351495

On 30/8/2022 war is declared on the sodomite groomers of Trevor Project

Reasons :

>Trevor Project are noted groomers who assist fag youth and normalize it with children

>Trevor Project organizes charities and counsellors for faggots

Objectives :

>Fuck up the queue so sodomites and fags commit suicide due to being unable to receieve assistance

>Demoralize the therapists and fucks

>Achieve as much keks as possible

>Waste as much of their resources as possible

>If possible get some news posts on this

Tactics :

>Go on the chat, phone or type lines and say you are going to commit suicide or are being bullied etc. Some funny ones are "suiciding" directly when you're on the line or being as sick as possible (black jewish trans woman etc)

>Other trolls are completely fine and valid feel free to post them here

>Another thing that is cool is if you say you're going to commit suicide the therapists ask where you're going to commit it, make up some bullshit so they waste more resources on it

As always number one rule is have fun


Here's the link to their website as well, you can find their chatlines on the "Get help"


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d487c7  No.351497


lol so edgy i bet u coolest kid at lunch table

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79fc25  No.351520

Also, do some of this with the tone to ACCELERATE ANY SUICIDES.

Those etches of brain, are best removed from the gene pool. There's no rehabilitation for their soul's inherent stupidity and lack of wisdom.

EVERYTHING IS GENETIC. The kike, nigger, chink are animals, genetics. Politics and Civilization are genetic.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

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