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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: f1a6c21aed98266⋯.jpeg (290.12 KB, 711x897, 237:299, andyou.jpeg)

6b7c12  No.351401

Should kikes be:

a. Deported, or

b. Killed

Both some very appealing to me. Maybe a combination?

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8235c5  No.351405


c. leave them alone and stop being butthurt that people you don't like exist

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8119a2  No.351472

File: 46343e7ed1af5b6⋯.png (121.56 KB, 768x763, 768:763, 2ghjgf.png)


vid pic cute girls


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bf314e  No.351473

File: c026634aa5823f4⋯.jpg (149.51 KB, 640x750, 64:75, edison_quote_thinking.jpg)

File: 4aea2bcd85de8c6⋯.png (478.66 KB, 557x688, 557:688, franz_liszt_quote_jews_des….png)

File: 9a2a53ae2cc4777⋯.jpg (58.91 KB, 432x645, 144:215, publius_tacticus_quote_jew….jpg)

File: 6e07a1ad2d972c8⋯.jpg (49.01 KB, 474x607, 474:607, quote_tacitus_jews.jpg)


Quit being a faggot. It is more than just 'people I don't like'. They are destroyers of everything good or decent on the planet. They are parasites and disgusting degenerates. They are gibs me dat niggers who steal everything from the people around them. Every single last intelligent person in history has always recognized that they were despicable dross that doesn't belong among the living. Only retards think that they should be allowed to continue on the planet due to their totally degenerate nature. The first people to recognize how disgusting they are and their parasitic nature are their own people. They make no secret about the caustic nature of their race (and yes, it is the entire race).

Everyone with a brain throughout history thought that the jews should be killed.

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8235c5  No.351483


You literally just described white Europeans and are too smooth brained to realize it.

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deafb5  No.351485


You are too stupid to speak to. Literally all through history EVERYONE who encounters you says the same things about your disgusting race.

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7c0081  No.351524

File: c081899c4895d82⋯.mp4 (2.9 MB, 640x352, 20:11, jewish_inbreeding_causes_p….mp4)


'jewish inbreeding' causes their psychopathy. No it doesn't it is inherent in their DNA to be psychopaths.

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