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8ded71  No.351166 [Last 50 Posts]

Freemason Meetings Intensive, What Are Freemason Business Meetings About? Can you give an example or example? Desperately wanting to know the answer, I have asked many times but there is no answer, do you all keep it a secret? You westerners are all Freemasons?

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913bfa  No.351169

Freemasons are overhyped nonsense

It's garbage

Next topic please

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913bfa  No.351170

Remissions haven't meant anything in over 200 years, and it's questionable if they ever even meant a hill of beans back then to begin with

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913bfa  No.351172

Freemasons don't mean anything

It's a bunch of stupid niggers and white trash fools

Next topic please

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913bfa  No.351173


L O L @ G E O M E T R Y

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8ded71  No.351174

I just need to know what they're talking about in the business meeting at the conference

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913bfa  No.351175

Freemasonry exist because :

People like to overcompensate for their inferiority by pretending they are part of something bigger than themselves

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913bfa  No.351176


Honestly ?….

The exact same conversations they'd be having done at the elk's lodge or the VFW lodge down the road

Just a bunch of old farts who are completely out of touch with today's world and quickly on their way out

A process that has happened generation after generation after generation with the free masons

A bunch of HAS-BEENS

Smoking stinky cigars unable to control their flatulence

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913bfa  No.351178

It's not like you're talking about the trilateral commission or anything

You are just talking about a bunch of old foggies who Sit around pretending that they haven't already died

They sit around telling stories, pretending as if they didn't already die decades ago

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913bfa  No.351179

FREEMASON MEETINGS : Just as monotonous, prescribed, unoriginal, and uninspiring as any 12 step meeting………………………….. Alcoholics Anonymous is even more exciting…

It's a bunch of old losers with nothing to say, And they repeat ridiculous diculous far fetched idiotic ceremonial traditional garbage, making long winded loquacious soliloquies about "Having your tongue cut out and having your your intestines cut out and your eyeballs removed in case you ever break an oath"


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913bfa  No.351180

" And I agree that if I ever divulge any of the information, I will let you cut out my tongue and remove my eyeballs and stick my spleen in my ears and give me a Justin Bieber haircut, like the haircut he used to wear when he was 14"

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913bfa  No.351181

And after they make a couple predictable predictable traditional statements, the meeting breaks up into 2 or 3 groups of old guys picking up the same conversation they left off the night before at the waffle house


White trash white haired Washed up waffle house conversation

Minus the waffle house

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913bfa  No.351182

FREEMASON MEETING : " And then last night Mildred asked me where I had put her colostomy bag back, and I told her come Mildred I thought you're colostomy bag was under the kitchen sink And then last night Mildred asked me where I had put her colostomy bag back, and I told her come Mildred I thought your colostomy bag was under the kitchen sink"

" What did Mildred say then?"

" She said oh Harry, you're right I keep forgetting that's where I keep my bag these days"

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913bfa  No.351183

FREEMASON MEETINGS : " You're probably all wondering why I gathered you here tonight, since we never actually do anything at these meetings… but I wanted everybody to come down here so we could pretend like we're doing something worthwhile, and then people on the Internet will wonder what the hell we're up to"

" You mean people might actually think we're doing something interesting here?"

" Yes. We can even pretend like we have some kind of hidden secret meaning thing happening here, like we are in touch with some kind of ancient mysticism"

" That's genius! It will make us seem like we're not boring!"

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913bfa  No.351184

( Even the real trilateral commission wasn't all that bad of an organization, to be quite honest with you… people associate names like FREEMASONS and TRILATERAL COMMISSION with Big evil scary top secret conspiracy stuff. )

and that's all nonsense

The trilateral commission was a very legitimate organization, believe it or not

This conspiracy theory garbage has gone to far… people sitting in their trailer parks thinking they're geniuses

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913bfa  No.351185



Why do you care? You need to focus on different things, Focus on accomplishing something, because that's what's holding you back in your life

Instead of sitting around wasting your weekend asking stupid boring questions about the Freemasons

Maybe you should be accomplishing something with your fucking life

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913bfa  No.351186



Why don't you get off your lazy fucking ass?




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913bfa  No.351187


I want you to go find 2 random people in your neighborhood

I want you to Ask the 1st one To explain the Freemasons

Then I want you to ask the 2nd one if there's anything you can do to help make their day a little bit easier

And I think you're going to learn a very valuable lesson about the Freemasons

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913bfa  No.351188


There's a handle on the door behind you

That's right… turn around and look

See the door behind you? There's a metal handle, a knob on that door

Believe it or not, if you grab that doorknob and turn it….

You can open that door and walk out of the room

There's going to be another door very similar to the 1st one

It might have a slightly different door handle

But I want you to open that door

Do you smell that? That's called fresh air

No I want you to move your feet, one at a time

There you go.. Keep moving them

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913bfa  No.351189


Now keep moving

That's right keep walking out there out all the way out to the sidewalk

Little farther a little farther

There you go out into the street

Okay now lay down

That's right there you go

Lay down right there in the street

OK I'll talk to you later

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fdb218  No.351190

So much monkeypox, so little AZT. The supply is steady, but Johnny Homo's immune system is in worse shape than the Ukraine's military. There will NEVER be enough.

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913bfa  No.351191


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913bfa  No.351192


I'm offended

We like to call it


Monkeypox is so mid July

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913bfa  No.351193


Immune system?

WHAT immune system, sweetie pie?

I lost my heart in San Francisco

And lost my immune system in the bathroom stall of a peep booth in Times Square February 11th 1987

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3cff61  No.351194


He has definitely had billions poured into his asshole.

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913bfa  No.351195

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I left my heart in San Francisco

And lost my Anal Hymen at Summer camp

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913bfa  No.351196


If anybody's an expert on my hairy feces-encrusted rectum, it's YOU…..


You're such a flirt

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913bfa  No.351198



how you save all for me

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913bfa  No.351199

It makes me feel special…..


that's flattering, Sunshine

*wink* *wink*

"Come backstage after the show"

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913bfa  No.351200



I'll gladly let you plant your tongue right in the middle of this 58 year experiment gone horribly wrong

dead square in the middle of my shit hole

Exactly where your tongue belongs

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913bfa  No.351201

I mean obviously nobody's going to Discover your tongue on any woman's clitoris

You don't even know what a vulva is

Your tongue might as well be stuck in stuck in my asshole while I take a shit in your mouth

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913bfa  No.351202

It's not like any woman's interested in your tongue

So if you're born to lick dudes assholes

You can start on my disgusting shit hole 1st

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913bfa  No.351203

And don't be embarrassed because from what I understand, There's lots of people out there who just simply weren't born to have sex with the opposite gender

Theyre called homosexuals

So it's important you know you're not alone… there's lots of other people out there just like you

So put your tongue in my asshole and shut the fuck up, faggot

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fdb218  No.351204

Why do our tax dollars pay for this? I doubt there will be senate hearings, but it was snuck into the inflation reduction act. Johnny Homo has connections, unsurprisingly, to the gay mafia.

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913bfa  No.351205


Actually we prefer to be calledTHE LAVENDER LA COSA NOSTRA

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913bfa  No.351206


Save the mafia talk for when I've got your pants around your ankles

Right now I want you to Go back to the part where you were talking about my rectum

You started talking about my butt hole, and then all of a sudden you tried changing the subject

My rectum…. You were saying?

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913bfa  No.351207


AGAIN : You were saying something about my rectum?

Would you like to pick up where you left off?

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913bfa  No.351208


But this time I want you to describe my hairy nasty feces encrusted Rectum in vivid detail… take your time

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913bfa  No.351209


Nice and slow, sunshine…..


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913bfa  No.351210


Don't feel pushed into this

Just relax and close your eyes and slowly begin describing every little detail about my butt hole that you are imagining

Just relax and let go and tell us what you're envisioning

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913bfa  No.351211


What color are you imagining my ass hairs being?

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913bfa  No.351212


By the way last week I had one of those whipsy Daisy moments where I realized, " Damn it I've actually got dingleberries today"

Talking about real old school dingleberries

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913bfa  No.351213



OK so your mind's eye is the camera

Now your camera zooms in closer and closer

Closer and closer on my asshole

Now describe what you are envisioning

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913bfa  No.351214


Just realized this is the closest thing you've had to a date in…. Well that wasn't really a date……

That was just a school event

You were 7 years old, and they made all the boys stand next to girls, And your mother still has that photograph on her mantle piece

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913bfa  No.351215


Well lookie there, sunshine!

This might be your 1st actual date

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913bfa  No.351216


OK 1st timer

I don't want to scare you or anything

So when you get your tongue up in my butt hole

I'm going to squeeze my butt hole real tight around your tongue, And you won't be able to pull your tongue out anymore, Cause I'll have it pinched off….

That's when the flatulence begins

Is and soon afterwards, comes the explosive diarrhea

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913bfa  No.351217

You're in for quite a treat

If you can handle the crowds, I'd even hire you from my traveling stage act

Were called "the aristocrats"

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913bfa  No.351218


Seriously imagine how happy your family would be if you got if you got kidnapped and forced into some kind of weird human trafficking situation or even worse

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8ded71  No.351261

I just need to know what they're talking about in the business meeting at the conference

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3cff61  No.351274


Do you think that we know?

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d3ebca  No.351398


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d3ebca  No.351399



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d3ebca  No.351400


I can't wait for your mother to finally throw you out on the street

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