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bf6c10  No.351110


"My son, it will come suddenly. The great Russian nuclear attack will decimate many. Many will die, the fury will kill all. My son, prepare, the Russians will attack furiously. Many will die, the cities will be attacked. The subs are sneaky, they will come from underwater. Furiously attacking by stealth, the coastal cities will all be gone. My son, prepare, the end is near. The coast will be destroyed by nuclear missiles. Many will be gone. The missiles will attack the cities, and many will be vaporized. The nuclear war will start by them. Many will be vaporized in Russia. Many will die over there. The nuclear missiles will attack the coastal cities, leaving many defenseless, My son, prepare. The war will start, leaving many dead. Your LORD has spoken."

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583265  No.351128

8/28/22 Part 1

Is God Punishing The United States of America? https://www.msn.com/en-ca/news/world/is-god-punishing-the-united-states-of-america/ar-AA1197HH

This is Not a 'Recession'! This Is A Total Collapse of the Financial System To Bail Out the Globalists Who Want To Enslave Us: https://vaccineimpact.com/2022/this-is-not-a-recession-this-is-a-total-collapse-of-the-financial-system-to-bail-out-the-globalists-who-want-to-enslave-us/

The collapse is engineered to create crisis conditions so frightening that they expect the majority of the public to submit to a collectivist hive mind lifestyle with greatly reduced standards. This would be accomplished through UBI, digital currency models, carbon taxation, population reduction, rationing of all commodities and a social credit system. The goal, in other words, is complete control through technocratic authoritarianism: https://archive.ph/XXRzp

How do nations become wealthy? Many are blessed with abundant natural resources. Some specialize in unique trade skills and crafts. Timber, mining, fishing, sugar, rum, narcotics, cotton, silk, agriculture, conquest, manufacturing, oil, industry, banking, and so on — depending on the century and the region, nations have attained tremendous wealth in myriad ways. Notice that no nation has managed merely to print money and tax its citizens on the path to prosperity. Real wealth cannot simply be conjured from thin air. There must be recognized value in what a nation and its citizens possess. More than any other source for national wealth, however, one towers above the rest: innovation. The ability of the human mind to create something new and valuable provides society with wealth creation. If innovation produces wealth, why aren't all nations wealthy? Because too many nations fail to value innovators or encourage innovation. Without fundamental property rights, strong social institutions, and a dependable legal system, potential inventors have few incentives to build anything new. Humans struggling merely to survive in the world do not waste time, labor or resources on projects that offer no prospect for future reward. Humans working as servants to the state under centrally controlled economies have no incentive to innovate: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/great-reset-blueprint-destroying-freedom-innovation-prosperity

California electric company admits it will NEVER be able to charge everybody’s electric vehicles: https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-08-26-california-electric-cant-charge-everybodys-electric-vehicles.html

Start Reading Labels! Food Producers Caught Quietly, Deceitfully Putting Bugs In Our Food: http://greeknewsondemand.com/2022/08/27/start-reading-labels-food-producers-caught-quietly-deceitfully-putting-crickets-in-our-food/

Evil is evil, and it’s manifesting in so many all across our culture—in every way. It involves falsehoods, it involves lies and changing morality on sexuality. It involves everything. Two thousand years ago, this is all they had. It was possessed back then. So, when Jesus sent the Gospel into the pagan world, it was a clash of spirits and principalities of gods. There is the One True God, and then there are the false gods. The Bible says we do not war against flesh and blood. We are not against people. We war against principalities. So, when the gospel comes in, there is this huge war. The pagans are trying to kill the Christians or you worship our gods. That’s why they were trying to kill them because Christians would not worship the gods. It was a war of the gods, but at the end of the day, the Gospel prevailed and the gods departed. The temples were emptied out. The shrines were abandoned. The gods of the ancient world were gone, but we are not just talking about gods, there are spirits behind them—demonic spirits. They don’t end, they stay there. So, the question is what would happen if the gods or the evil spirits returned to America and returned to the world? The fact is they have returned… If western civilization was possessed by the evil spirits, the Gospel got rid of them. It was the greatest exorcism in history. What happens if that nation ever turns away from God? If it ever opens the door? These spirits are coming back. These ancient spirits or principalities are going to come back to our culture, to the West and to America, and they are going to come back to repossess it: https://usawatchdog.com/only-way-to-save-america-is-turn-back-to-god-jonathan-cahn/

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583265  No.351129


8/28/22 Part 2

Starting all the way back in April, some US defense officials had been expressing concern that Ukraine weapons shipments sent from Washington were entering a big “black hole” once they cross the border into the conflict – given there appeared little to no oversight or accountability in terms of arms and serial number tracking. Ukrainian government officials have taken pains to to try and assure Western allies and international press that they are indeed carefully monitoring the weapons and munitions provided from allies, also to ensure they don’t end up on the black market or in the hands of unauthorized militants or terrorists. But now we have the closest thing thus far to confirmation that indeed there’s a lack of necessary oversight, given on Thursday the Pentagon’s acting Inspector General Sean O’Donnell told Bloomberg that while he believes Ukrainian forces are using up all that they’ve been given by the US, it remains that there’s little “fidelity” as to where the weapons actually end up. This is due in large part, he explained, to the Ukrainians tracking external arms via hand receipts. For this reason he’s looking to trace, test, and audit whether the Ukrainians are properly logging US-supplied military hardware. He says the Pentagon is on “alert” – looking evidence of gaps, missing weapons, and lack of oversight in the system: https://southfront.org/pentagon-ig-doubtful-ukraine-is-tracking-us-supplied-arms-will-conduct-audit/

The video from the front lines shows a suicidal attack of Ukrainian armored group on the positions of the marines of the Pacific Fleet of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. As a result of the attack, several units of Ukrainian armored vehicles and vehicles transporting personnel were destroyed: https://s1.cdnstatic.space/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/att.mp4

Another five Russian artillery systems were destroyed by Ukrainian forces on Saturday, August 27, according to Ukraine’s military update on Russia’s combat losses since February 24. Three Russian Armoured Personnel Carriers (APCs) were destroyed as well as three more Russian tanks: https://euroweeklynews.com/2022/08/28/russian-artillery-systems-destroyed-ukraine/

Russia is transferring a new batch of heavy military equipment to the occupied Crimea: it was noticed near the Crimean bridge. Among the equipment were seen: tanks T-72 and T-80; 152-mm and 122-mm 2C19 Msta-S and 2S1 Gvozdika; infantry fighting vehicles, trucks, tanks with fuel and engineering machines: https://euroweeklynews.com/2022/08/27/watch-russia-spotted-transferring-heavy-military-equipment-to-occupied-crimea/

In the Sloviansk, Bakhmut, and Avdiyivka directions, Ukrainian defenders stopped the advance of the Russian invaders, forcing them to retreat: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3559494-war-update-ukraines-armed-forces-repulse-enemy-attacks-in-three-directions.html

The Russian military have turned Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) into a military base, putting the entire continent at risk. The relevant statement was made by Ukrainian Foreign Affairs Minister Dmytro Kuleba: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-polytics/3559696-fm-kuleba-russian-invaders-turn-znpp-into-military-base-entire-continent-at-risk.html

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583265  No.351133


ONE PROBLEM: The Western governments, including America's government, is doing a good job destroying their own countries from within, so why need to use the nukes when Russia can sit back and enjoy the show?

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1ba6dd  No.351219


But you also prophesied that you were going to get a job and move out of her basement

And you prophesized the library would be open on Sundays

You prophesize all kinds of bullshit

Fuck you and your prophecies

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1ba6dd  No.351220


" Look everybody! I found the idiot that doesn't understand the business of war!!"

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1ba6dd  No.351221



the king of erroneous prophecies

The Man who never got a single prediction correct

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1ba6dd  No.351222



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1ba6dd  No.351231



I just simply repeated the words "killcens going to get another prediction wrong again" 100 times

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1ba6dd  No.351232



That goes to show how little you actually know about about the military, or how they Have changed the playing field quite literally

There isn't going to beA GREAT NUCLEAR WAR

These days they strategize and and think tank limited nuclear theater warfare

They've already prepared millions of manuals called "SURVING NW1"


already planning for a number 2

And number 3

You're so behind The Times

You literally don't know your ass from a hole in the ground

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1ba6dd  No.351233


The concept of a nuclear war meaning the end of the world Was forgotten a long time ago

Nowadays, they have nuclear warheads the size of a V8 can…

Little tiny things…..

They've already strategized and determined they can have several limited nuclear wars

And you actually thought it was going to be the end of the world?

That's because you're stupid…

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1ba6dd  No.351234


Here's a prophecy for you :

You're stupid

Okay maybe it's not the best prophecy in the world

But it came true

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6fbb72  No.351806

I cannot wait for it to happen

I hope they really do it

Release us from the suffering putin

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