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File: 063176dfa1ddb5f⋯.jpg (187.3 KB, 642x557, 642:557, sorry_for.jpg)

b4bfce  No.351109

Ways That Are Dark: The Truth About China


Ralph Townsend


It's an interesting book. Ralph wrote two full chapters talking about Christians. On page 180 and 181, he said something really interesting.

>… But American missionaries in China do not like the Japanese. They cannot be “sorry” for them. It is an interesting study in American character, in aspects of neuro-pathology, that we seldom like any one we cannot be sorry for. In the missionary mind, this tendency is accentuated.

>There is glory in martyrdom, in abasement. The Chinese give them a thorough abasing, and they are grateful. The Japanese, Teutonic in their brisk orderliness, sanitation and civic reliability, offer scant opportunities for martyrdom and personal humiliation. They are resented in consequence.

If it's true, were American Christians partly responsible for WWII? Was it one of the reasons Americans were so hostile to Japan?

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b4bfce  No.351326


> It is an interesting study in American character, in aspects of neuro-pathology, that we seldom like any one we cannot be sorry for.

Does it also explain why the Germans were hated and the Jews were loved?

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def665  No.351328

File: ed095b4c412756a⋯.png (524.38 KB, 1277x777, 1277:777, 1641322012763_IMG_20220708….png)

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b4bfce  No.351576


I believe Patton was right.

But Ralph's writings also make sense.

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e5f5ab  No.351585

File: 931c6aa87b8cf48⋯.png (518.02 KB, 800x5132, 200:1283, tldr_1526497372579_1642086….png)

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b4bfce  No.351623


Looks like you got a much better version. Would you share the full text?

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9b77de  No.351658

File: 30e7e9767d5c115⋯.jpg (147.41 KB, 1182x1850, 591:925, China_Ubisoft_Sheepedia_Yo….jpg)

File: e4e64bfb05404c2⋯.png (402.96 KB, 659x1936, 659:1936, Chinese_Official_We_Subver….png)


Not him, but I find this topic interesting, as I was raised in South-East Asia, have been watching the Chinese closely for more than half a century, and I do have an EPUB of that book.

Here it is, with 19 other various books regarding China from various viewpoints…

(digesting various viewpoints is always a strategy I recommend.)



⫖⫸➤ tree -h

[85.0M Total in 'China' Folder] .

├── [ 18M] Cadres and Corruption The Organizational Involution of the Chinese Communist Party (Xiaobo Lu).pdf

├── [1.5M] Chinas Elite Politics Governance and Democratization (Series on Contemporary China) (Bo Zhiyue).pdf

├── [2.7M] Collapse - How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed (Jared Diamond).pdf

├── [1.1M] Cultural Nationalism in Contemporary China The Search for National Identity Under Reform (Routledgecurzon Studies on China in… (Yingjie Guo).pdf

├── [593K] Empire of Lies The Truth about China in the Twenty-First Century (Sorman, Guy).epub

├── [2.9M] Ethnic Identity and National Conflict in China (Arabinda Acharya, Rohan Gunaratna, Wang Pengxin).pdf

├── [2.1M] Factions and Finance in China Elite Conflict and Inflation (Victor C. Shih).pdf

├── [3.1M] Has China Won The Chinese Challenge to American Primacy (Kishore Mahbubani).epub

├── [8.8M] Haunted by Chaos China’s Grand Strategy from Mao Zedong to Xi Jinping (Sulmaan Wasif Khan).pdf

├── [1.3M] Looking North, Looking South China, Taiwan and South Pacific (Series on Contemporary China) (Anne-Marie Brady).pdf

├── [8.5M] Making the Foreign Serve China Managing Foreigners in the People’s Republic (Anne-Marie Brady).pdf

├── [3.5M] Marketing Dictatorship - Propaganda and Thought Work in Contemporary China (Brady, Anne-Marie).pdf

├── [6.0M] Propaganda and mass persuasion a historical encyclopedia, 1500 to the present (Nicholas J. Cull, David Culbert, David Welch).pdf

├── [1.8M] Red-Handed How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win (Peter Schweizer).epub

├── [3.2M] The Future of United States, China, and Taiwan Relations (Cheng-yi Lin, Denny Roy, Stephen D. Krasner).pdf

├── [3.9M] The Good Communist Elite Training and State Building in Todays China (Frank N. Pieke).pdf

├── [335K] The Perfect Dictatorship China in the 21st Century (Stein Ringen).epub

├── [ 12M] The Truth about China Propaganda, Patriotism and the Search for Answers (Bill Birtles).epub

├── [346K] Ways that are dark The truth about China (Ralph Townsend).epub

└── [2.9M] Why the West Rules - For Now The Patterns of History, and What They Reveal About the Future (Ian Morris).epub

20 files

And yes, although I do think there were many circumstances that all added together at the time to make a "perfect storm" (kinda like now!), the premise that OP proposed has lot more credence than most historians are willing to give it, and that book is fantastic.

Reading is good. If more people did it more often (I mean actual reading!), then everybody would be capable of having more informed thought-processes, rather than just accepting the canned version on every topic, delivered from on high.

Also, Hi China!

These fuckers…

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9b77de  No.351659



Also, if you'd rather have just that book, here's a link to just that EPUB that'll expire in 24 hours or 100 downloads:

Ways that are dark The truth about China (Ralph Townsend).epub


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1a0a21  No.351660

File: 34da671b37b3566⋯.jpg (27.29 KB, 296x314, 148:157, 465h65jek.jpg)


Who hurt you?

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b4bfce  No.351668



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b4bfce  No.351669

I have some, let me say delusion, not even an opinion, that Christianity if is not responsible for some problems, is at least the root or one of the roots of a lot of problems like leftism, socialism, illegal aliens, apologies for slavery, black lives matter, cancel culture, etc. Or Some Christian ideas are used to justify them.

And I know Jesus' followers may not have the courage to say it's true even if some of them see the same.

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e3aa28  No.351674


Jesus followers don't have an opinion on the matter. I think you are looking for the Roman State Religion.

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064678  No.351686

File: da7807d17180c47⋯.jpg (200.43 KB, 1000x690, 100:69, Lafayette.jpg)


>Roman State Religion

That would be The Catholic Church aka The Jesuits.

We were warned over and over again.

We didn't listen and now we are getting fucked like crackwhores in a rat infested alley.

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