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File: 3e4b0ffd5305e14⋯.png (32.53 KB, 600x400, 3:2, new_gateway_featured.png)

d3c362  No.350961

Trust me, if there was a flaw in this item, I would be the 1st one to tell you, and yes comment there might be 1 or 2 small irritating things come up but that's the case with everything in life…

I've had the T-Mobile 5G gateway for 60 days now, and I can honestly tell you Leslie tell you it's absolutely absolutely lightning fast!!!

this thing does HUGE downloads & uploads IN THE BLINK OF AN EYE!!!

And supplies perfect streaming…

Runs several devices without any loss

badass !!!

totally unlimited ultra hi-speed data




hundreds of gigs…


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d3c362  No.350963

I've dealt with several frustrating incarnations of Wi-Fi

This 5G gateway is THE BEST so far

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d3c362  No.350964

KILLCEN has NO IDEA what he's missing

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d3c362  No.350965

I'm seeing MASSIVE FILES being uploaded and downloaded so fast you can't see the progress bar

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d3c362  No.350966

And its only $50…..

hundreds & hundreds of gigs.

Fifty bucks

What a steal

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d3c362  No.350967

Imagine HOW MANY CONSPIRACIES Killcen could copy & paste with 5G

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d3c362  No.350968

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

By the way

THIS is how it all started

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922f48  No.350970

Jim stone has a T-Mobile 5G gateway in his office perin his office. I saw an article about it a couple weeks ago

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