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095049  No.350948

Don't Make a "STORM"….

Your team's incompetence was epic

The embarrassing mismanagement of this entire fiasco on your team's part…..

The Democrats team was even worse, fumbling the ball after taking it from you

Both of your parties deserve each other

It's really disgusting…

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095049  No.350951

Let's just be honest :

The only thing more embarrassing than the Republicans is THE DEMOCRATS….

Both sides are jokes.. parodies of themselves

The incompetence is turned up full blast, on stereo speakers, coming from both sides simultaneously

Anybody who thinks I'm a leftist or a liberal or a Democrat is an idiot

And anybody who thinks I'm a right wing conservative is an idiot

I wouldn't ever want to be caught dead standing next to either one of those type people

I don't want anything to do with somebody who lives a label or a catch phrase

Somebody who actually lets a catch phrase become their lifestyle

I don't want to know anybody like that

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095049  No.350953

And everybody has our own bias, our own preferred news organizations we trust

We go to them because they brush our agenda ego

But I trust PBS….


Explain the entire story for anybody who's still pretending they don't know the story

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095049  No.350956

In states where recreational or medical marijuana use is legal, cannabis dispensaries offer a wide range of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (delta-9 THC) products. Delta-8-tetrahydrocannabinol (delta-8 THC)—a less potent cannabis compound with similar psychoactive effects as delta-9 THC—is also legal in several states.

Delta-8 THC and delta-9 THC come from the cannabis sativa plant, which naturally produces more than 100 cannabinoids, or active constituents. However, while the plant contains significant amounts of delta-9 THC, it contains very little delta-8 THC, a minor cannabinoid.

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095049  No.350960

I'm looking forward to the day when Killcen can read between the lines, and understand that he's my Zmuda

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42b21e  No.350975

File: 7aaa5c7ad4c268d⋯.jpg (182.48 KB, 1600x669, 1600:669, 2_Peas_in_a_Pod_Trump_Love.jpg)


For somebody who doesn't want others labeling him as being on a certain "Team", you sure have zero compunction about shoving whoever you want onto "Teams" within the confines of your own restricted mind, then loudly proclaiming your uninformed judgements in an infantile manner in any space that will still have you.

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