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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: c10c4a165a0a971⋯.png (2.33 KB, 134x123, 134:123, reallegitactualrationaltru….png)

acc155  No.350761


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cc3719  No.350772

bumping mysterious graphics.

possibly a neptune™ work.

forensics is on it.

source is not yet verified.

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370076  No.350802

File: f05022f3c4a2a52⋯.jpg (48.93 KB, 844x435, 844:435, militaries_around_the_worl….jpg)

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acc155  No.350805


LOL, it's a little dumb prank. Created an OP from another replica image board page, copied the .html page to .jpg, cropped it out and posted it. It's just crossword some text over it starting with "Real News" and expanding to other catchphrases. Is it dumb? Well yes, but I was getting bored. I tend to do dumb things when I get bored and my family is out of the house.

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acc155  No.350806


I actually enjoy Neptune's company, sometimes. He can be funny, a total prick yes, but funny at times.

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acc155  No.350807

File: a508a063308ab65⋯.png (2.57 KB, 134x123, 134:123, fixed.png)

Here it is fixed up, would have looked better this way in the OP. Color won't match for this post though. I'd have to re-do it and too much bother.

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26230d  No.350810


That is a very limited way of looking at the universe. Carry on.


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