Johnny can tell y'all 'bout "cravings"!
He probably will.
But yeah, all living beings "crave", or "seek after", certain nutrients, metals, and other beneficial substances difficult to obtain without highly varied "food"-sources. Elephants eat clay high in certain metals they "crave", for example; not to mention the sugar cravings of candida colonies, or the gripping field of "craving" inherent in every electromagnetic system, from the subatomic to more universal representations of polarity.
But, to get less obtuse, there is another aspect that >>350749 alluded to. There is actually a lot of power in "Belief".
> inb4 I ever said "Believers" are bad, mmmkay?
It's BLIND Belief that I'm always harping on, actually; if y'all'd ever listen!
"Intentional" Belief can be "Magical".
Highly Recommend.
That being said, y'll wanna talk materiality, like "substances", and the like. Fine. Those substances interact with different living systems in different ways, yet enough similarities exist in the ways they produce effects that comparisons of experiences can often prove illuminating.
It cannot be an accident that so many swear by Vitamin C and D³, not to mention the various B Vitamins and so many others. But many of these can be obtained from "food" and the environment.
I have certain food "cravings" at times, that become more overwhelming until I fulfill them. Curiously, they are usually things like artichokes, which are packed with nutrients difficult to obtain if one lives off nothing but mommy's tendies.
> One medium-sized artichoke contains about 64 calories. It is also an excellent source of fiber and protein. From a mineral perspective, whole artichokes contain a decent amount of potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, copper, manganese, and iron. There is also some calcium, zinc, and selenium. Artichokes are also an excellent source of folate, vitamin C, and vitamin K. It is also a source of vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B3, vitamin B5, vitamin B6, vitamin A, vitamin E, choline, and betaine.
I gotta go whip up a quick dinner. All stuff from my garden. Tomatoes, onions, eggplant, zuchinni, jalepenos, and cantaloupe for dessert. I think I'll chaw on a Ghost Pepper too. The Carolina Reapers aren't quite ripe, and I've never tried them. A little scared! But I often "crave" Ghost Peppers, so we shall see!