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File: 40d82d9ca2f6d23⋯.png (592.06 KB, 800x600, 4:3, vitamins_.png)

5a53e5  No.350716

First noticed/was told that iodine was mainly found in fast food salt

Breakfast cereal and milk are fortified with vitamins - carb heavy fattening foods

Normally people are supposed to crave vitamins and get them from steak and vegetables

By fortifying carb foods with vitamins, they've essentially used that to reengineer people's eating habits to make them prefer food sources which they normally avoided for being nutrientless and fattening, as now they are just fattening.


Above is a link to a political policy about this.

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955172  No.350718

Vitamin fortification of certain staple foods began at a time when the United States government actually cared about the health and well being of it's people and had reason to do so.

Since then it's been globalization, free trade this and downsize that.

After the Hainan Island Incident (wikipedia 4 details) it should be clear there are traitors in our midst.

What used to be called "treason" is now called "technology transfer".


>Normally people are supposed to crave vitamins and get them

Interesting theory.

Mankind flourished for 5 thousand years never knowing what vitamins and micronutrients are. Interesting theory though.

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65debf  No.350721


>iodine was mainly found in fast food salt

They began adding iodine to salt in 1924. There were no fast food restaurants in 1924. The only salt that doesn't have it are hipster sea salts and kosher salts (because of grain size).

Iodine deficiency is a major cause of intellectual disability that affects people who don't live near the coast, where iodine gets into food naturally.

Since you opened with an obvious lie, then nothing else you ever say can be trusted. Congratulations on not doing even the most basic of research.

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36461a  No.350722



The body craves vitamins, mineral and nutrients, it's not exactly the same as craving food but very similar. When you are starving your immune system is naturally deficient in basic vitamins, mineral and nutrients. Ever wonder why so many people eat fast food and so much of it? It's because most of it is crap, it's depleted of vitamins, mineral and nutrients. Tons of sugar and carbs which is not good for you. If you want a healthy diet stick to eating fresh quality meats (without hormones or nitrates/nitrites), eggs, fish, nuts, fruit and non-GMO organic vegetables. Organic as much as possible. Real food, not the mass processed or lab-made crap. Then you won't have to eat as much and you'll find yourself pretty fit and healthy if you exercise. Look into the keto diet, that's the best healthies diet you can have as long as you stick to non-GMO organic without being mass processed with chemicals.

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36461a  No.350723


>Iodine deficiency is a major cause of intellectual disability that affects people who don't live near the coast, where iodine gets into food naturally.

Fluoride in tap water does that too. Recommend well water but if you have tap water, recommend filtering it out.

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5a53e5  No.350724


>They began adding iodine to salt in 1924. There were no fast food restaurants in 1924.

I'm talking about right now.

This article says that it's around 50/50 between the two being sold. https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Proportion-of-Total-Salt-Sales-by-Type-of-Salt-2009-a_tbl1_273905698

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36461a  No.350725


>Breakfast cereal

Most breakfast cereal in stores is sugar and garbage. 90% or more of it. If you could get a box of organic rice krispies maybe it would be OK to eat. As far as milk, I'd stick with organic half and half which is thicker because it's less homogenized.

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a38dec  No.350728


Keto is very beneficial for certain people.

>immune system

This has become a buzzword, a marketing soundbyte that appeals to people during cold and flu season. $$$

The immune system is a complex conglomeration of many different elements and mechanisms some of which are not much affected by nutritional deficiencies.

Good nutrition is essential to health and well-being and supplements may go a long towards helping people maintain it especially in the mid and later life stages.

Balanced daily supplementation that does not utilize megadosing is very beneficial for certain people. The trends in megadosing and or medicinal supplementation that has no proven benefits can sometimes cause more harm than good.

Hopefully the normans figure it out before they go all in on a fad and possibly do themselves more harm than good.

5 grams a day of vitamin C is not proven to prevent cold and flu like symptoms during cold and flu season.

But some people will swear by it.


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36461a  No.350731


Well whenever I get sick, which is rare, I simply take some Vitamin C & D, lay on the sofa all day and watch some good 'ol golden era TV shows on DVD until I get better and that works out just fine. Doesn't hurt to boost the immune system as long as you are taking quality vitamins (not the cheap walmart brands, but the expensive one drop IU dose vials).

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36461a  No.350732




D3 to be exact.

By the way, if you ever have a hangover try Vitamin B complex (with B2, B6 and B12). It works well for hangovers because alcohol depletes Vitamin B from your body, which causes the headache the next day ;)

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6eccb1  No.350746

No amount of vitamins will fix Johnny Homo. He's a goner for sure.

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45eecb  No.350749



>boost the immune system



I'm gonna let it slide. Because I know what your trying to say and if you got something that works well for you I ain't gonna piss in your Wheaties ™ m8.

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f31857  No.350750


Johnny Homo just received a perfectly executed EXORCISM and he's all better now!

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77c9ec  No.350794


Yeah but his mother still sucks cocks in hell.

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2e0129  No.350796


Cocksucking hell mommies is my fetish.

Does that make me a bad person?

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94aae4  No.350813


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ed95f0  No.350817

File: efa252fbd0b3a56⋯.jpg (160.02 KB, 1009x349, 1009:349, ki_potassium_iodide.jpg)

File: cf6b99fd4766bb2⋯.png (3.98 MB, 1425x1425, 1:1, Into_The_Killing_Fields.png)

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0783de  No.350820

File: 6ea0de47144247b⋯.png (1.72 MB, 1188x1594, 594:797, Comfortably_Numb.png)

Johnny can tell y'all 'bout "cravings"!

He probably will.

But yeah, all living beings "crave", or "seek after", certain nutrients, metals, and other beneficial substances difficult to obtain without highly varied "food"-sources. Elephants eat clay high in certain metals they "crave", for example; not to mention the sugar cravings of candida colonies, or the gripping field of "craving" inherent in every electromagnetic system, from the subatomic to more universal representations of polarity.

But, to get less obtuse, there is another aspect that >>350749 alluded to. There is actually a lot of power in "Belief".

> inb4 I ever said "Believers" are bad, mmmkay?

It's BLIND Belief that I'm always harping on, actually; if y'all'd ever listen!

"Intentional" Belief can be "Magical".

Highly Recommend.

That being said, y'll wanna talk materiality, like "substances", and the like. Fine. Those substances interact with different living systems in different ways, yet enough similarities exist in the ways they produce effects that comparisons of experiences can often prove illuminating.

It cannot be an accident that so many swear by Vitamin C and D³, not to mention the various B Vitamins and so many others. But many of these can be obtained from "food" and the environment.

I have certain food "cravings" at times, that become more overwhelming until I fulfill them. Curiously, they are usually things like artichokes, which are packed with nutrients difficult to obtain if one lives off nothing but mommy's tendies.

> One medium-sized artichoke contains about 64 calories. It is also an excellent source of fiber and protein. From a mineral perspective, whole artichokes contain a decent amount of potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, copper, manganese, and iron. There is also some calcium, zinc, and selenium. Artichokes are also an excellent source of folate, vitamin C, and vitamin K. It is also a source of vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B3, vitamin B5, vitamin B6, vitamin A, vitamin E, choline, and betaine.

I gotta go whip up a quick dinner. All stuff from my garden. Tomatoes, onions, eggplant, zuchinni, jalepenos, and cantaloupe for dessert. I think I'll chaw on a Ghost Pepper too. The Carolina Reapers aren't quite ripe, and I've never tried them. A little scared! But I often "crave" Ghost Peppers, so we shall see!


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8c68be  No.350823

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e6e7f8  No.350824



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8c68be  No.350827

File: 372b358b94b9140⋯.png (226.07 KB, 1024x1150, 512:575, 1654848495303_4chan_pol_38….png)

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7fc575  No.350829


The war against us never ends.

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8c68be  No.350830


V8, immediately after drinking session. Then sippy cup the B-Complex energy drink plus water. 10 minutes. Ready for round two or road.

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8c68be  No.350832

File: cc39389168b4bae⋯.gif (1.91 MB, 235x240, 47:48, 1579581959779_animation_co….gif)

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dcd9d6  No.355077

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