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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: e0d5537931d5bda⋯.jpg (215.93 KB, 791x1024, 791:1024, PROPHECY_The_Punishment_Of….jpg)

2cb71e  No.350441

PROPHECY: The Punishment Of My Jewish People

"Tell My people I Am going to destroy them, far and wide. I have called them to Israel, but so far they have refused to obey Me. They

will be rounded up and die miserable deaths in concentration camps of the world. I called, but so far they have preferred the high life in

the Western countries of the world. My son, My fury is expended on these wicked people. They will never be gathered to My Kingdom. They

reject My Son too, their only hope for eternity. Many shall be gathered to the kingdom of the damned to suffer needlessly for all

eternity, My son. They are My people, My son, but little can be done to those who reject Me, the Son, but love the world instead. With all

My heart I reject them for all eternity who reject My Son, but prefer Satan instead. Millions in your country shall suffer agonizing deaths

at the hands of the concentration camp owners. Your Lord has spoken, amen."

Behold, the eyes of the Lord GOD are upon the sinful kingdom, and I will destroy it from off the

face of the earth; saving that I will not utterly destroy the house of Jacob, saith the LORD. Amos

9:8 King James Version

And I will fan them with a fan in the gates of the land; I will bereave them of children, I will

destroy my people since they return not from their ways. Jeremiah 15:7 King James Version

Esaias also crieth concerning Israel, Though the number of the children of Israel be as the

sand of the sea, a remnant shall be saved: Romans 9:27 King James Version

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7672b2  No.350450


I've never met a heterosexual male who believes in the Bible or any other religious garbage

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f90f84  No.350452





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7672b2  No.350453

File: 31f89af4616c835⋯.jpg (26.8 KB, 500x357, 500:357, REPUGNANT.jpg)


You keep saying "my son", which is really weird for a guy who's never seen a vagina in real life…

You're the last person on Earth who will ever have children

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7672b2  No.350454

File: 007a35dc0b2486a⋯.png (234.24 KB, 720x834, 120:139, Picsart_22_08_24_21_04_02_….png)

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f2c12b  No.350456

File: 0fab35f2fea9612⋯.png (122.03 KB, 768x763, 768:763, 5xvcmv.png)


vid pic cute girls


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