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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: 7036a3233fdd9b7⋯.jpg (266.98 KB, 635x954, 635:954, 16613183885310.jpg)

8e5e4b  No.350312

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a0b824  No.350342

File: 8f126549a6e0eb4⋯.png (120.75 KB, 768x763, 768:763, 1bvcvng.png)


vid pic lol ita


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cdf658  No.350375


Thx, pajeet.

It was nice of you to roll out the welcome mat for Johnny Neptune over there.

I am very sure you will be happy with that decision.

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3c6f2a  No.350455

File: a86bf382f5d6efe⋯.jpg (137.6 KB, 720x1082, 360:541, Picsart_22_08_24_21_13_46_….jpg)

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3c6f2a  No.350457

File: 034a799ec1961aa⋯.jpg (152.22 KB, 720x1082, 360:541, Picsart_22_08_24_21_19_24_….jpg)

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3c6f2a  No.350458

God dammit @ my speech to text

putting an apostrophe in FLOATS

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3c6f2a  No.350459


don't worry, smelly……

We all understand why your 'people' paint a red bullseye target between their eyes….

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3c6f2a  No.350460


LOL @ the average yearly income in India being $2,100

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3c6f2a  No.350461


that's $43 per week…..

And I'd suggest you're being overpaid

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ea833e  No.350462


lmao…lets see if he goes over there and puts his dick in their ear until indiachan implodes

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