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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

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1207c6  No.350302

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95a810  No.350305

>Atlanta police believe Sampson is also responsible for spray painting similar symbols at the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

is he… dare I say it gentlemen, /ournog/?

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1b738d  No.350308

oy to the O V E Y N Y C

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c07739  No.350343

File: 145801067e29593⋯.png (4.18 MB, 2661x1967, 2661:1967, I_Came_Not_to_Bring_Peace.png)


If I was his attorney I would say that my client felt underrepresented, in a very inequitable way, and he was just trying to rectify the injustice and obvious oversight by the original sidewalk painters by adding some paint of his own, that he felt was more inclusionary. The city doesn't discriminate against black-colored paint does it?

How about the appearance of the paint applied? It's shapely characteristics?

Who is to judge Art, or modes of communication, really?

And Who Establishes Meaning?

Inquiring Minds Want to KNOW!

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