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afcd92  No.349972

In just under 2 months, Killcen is going to suffer the massive stroke of 2022, which will leave him paralyzed, unable to speak, and unable to prevent the black nursing aides at the Nursing Home from stealing his few meager belongings…

This horrible situation won't last long, as he will be found lifeless in the nursing home bed by the end of October…

Since we won't be able to attend his funeral, this is the perfect time for /pnd/ to HOLD A FUNERAL FOR KILLCEN.

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afcd92  No.349973

I'm rushing a eulogy

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afcd92  No.349974

Okay.. I just finished the eulogy :


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afcd92  No.349975

I told you it was rushed.. what did you expect?

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afcd92  No.349976

Killcen has NEVER served a purpose.

so why would we begin pretending NOW?

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