Tonight, hundreds of thousands of our fellow Americans will be sleeping in tents, under bridges, in overcrowded shelters or in their vehicles. Of course there are many that are so addicted to drugs or alcohol that they just sleep wherever they end up passing out. This is a tragedy that is growing with each passing day, and it is only going to get worse in the months ahead as the US economy slows down even more: http://theeconomiccollapseblog.com/tent-cities-are-taking-over-vast-stretches-of-our-major-cities-and-it-is-only-going-to-get-worse/
A number of politicians and their lobbying partners in the media have recently sought to disparage Smith & Wesson. Some have had the audacity to suggest that after they have vilified, undermined and defunded law enforcement for years, supported prosecutors who refuse to hold criminals accountable for their actions, overseen the decay of our country’s mental health infrastructure, and generally promoted a culture of lawlessness, Smith & Wesson and other firearm manufacturers are somehow responsible for the crime wave that has predictably resulted from these destructive policies, but they are the ones to blame for the surge in violence and lawlessness, and they seek to avoid any responsibility for the crisis of violence they have created by attempting to shift the blame to Smith & Wesson, other firearm manufacturers and law-abiding gun owners. It is no surprise that the cities suffering most from violent crime are the very same cities that have promoted irresponsible, soft-on-crime policies that often treat criminals as victims and victims as criminals. Many of these same cities also maintain the strictest gun laws in the nation: https://citizens.news/647472.html
Gazprom will stop all gas flows to Europe via the Nord Stream pipeline from August 31 until September 2, Russia's gas giant Gazprom announced on Friday: https://oilprice.com/Latest-Energy-News/World-News/Gazprom-Will-Halt-Nord-Stream-Gas-Flows-On-Aug-31.html
Daughter Of Putin Ally Killed In Car Bombing Outside Moscow: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/daughter-putin-ally-reportedly-killed-assassination-attempt
The head of Ukraine’s security service, the SBU, in Kirovograd Region was found dead in his home on Saturday evening, with sources telling local media that it was likely a suicide: https://www.rt.com/news/561241-ukraine-sbu-kirovograd-zelensky/
Several Russian soldiers involved in the military operation in Ukraine have been hospitalized with severe chemical poisoning, the Russian Defense Ministry said on Saturday. Traces of Botulinum toxin Type B, which is an “organic poison of artificial origin,” have been discovered in samples taken from the servicemen, the ministry said, accusing Kiev of chemical terrorism: https://www.rt.com/russia/561214-ukraine-chemical-poisoning-moscow/
Videos circulating on social media reportedly show a huge fire which broke at a Russian ammunition depot in occupied Horlivka in the early hours of Sunday, August 21: https://euroweeklynews.com/2022/08/21/fire-russian-ammo-depot-occupied-horlivka/
Russia's Defense Ministry begins mass production of Tsirkon hypersonic cruise missiles, and it will be documented this year, Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu said on Saturday in a televised interview with Rossiya-1 channel: https://tass.com/russia/1496297
The Russian military has destroyed with Kalibr cruise missiles an ammunition depot in Ukraine’s Odessa region, where rockets for US-suppled M142 HIMARS systems were stored, the Russian Ministry of Defense announced on August 21: https://southfront.org/russian-kalibr-missiles-destroyed-depot-of-us-supplied-himars-rockets-in-ukraines-odessa-video/