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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

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dda092  No.349847

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22f51f  No.349848



Turdwobble says, Ukraine goes down, price of Faberge eggs goes up and penicillin is temporarily unavailable in Siberia.

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7ceb7a  No.349858

What took you so long to make this thread, dumbass?

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7ceb7a  No.349859

Somebody already created a thread about this topic, slowpoke

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7ceb7a  No.349860

The implications are clear :

You will continue making excuses and never go find a job, because you're a bum

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7ceb7a  No.349861


Implications : instead of accomplishing something with your life, you'll continue presenting old news articles, always two steps behind everybody else, pretending to be some kind of lightning rod to real news…..

Continually trying to overcompensate for your lack of significance

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