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File: d2ddec828912366⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1219x805, 53:35, dugins_daughter.PNG)

d6b5eb  No.349792

uhh nazbolsisters..?

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d5b891  No.349828



It has all the telltale signatures of the SSO

Which of course is funded by America

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d5b891  No.349829

File: d000b8866f34500⋯.png (306.05 KB, 769x600, 769:600, 769px_.png)

It has that classic Slavic 'mob' feel

hence the SSO

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d5b891  No.349830

The message, though indirect, through Dugin by proxy, is quite clear

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d5b891  No.349831

File: d62ce336cd152fa⋯.png (1.89 MB, 2300x1080, 115:54, Screenshot_20220820_223527.png)

She was a musician……

And she had a very kind face…..

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d5b891  No.349832

It's odd how his last name is DUGIN

but his daughters last name was DUGINA

Is there something I'm missing here?

Is that some kind of Russian thing?

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d5b891  No.349833

DUGINA, not to be confused with VAGINA

……….the kind of face I'd like to ejaculate into

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d5b891  No.349834

lol @ "philosopher" hahahaha

that's one way of putting it, huh ?

LMAO @ his 'philosophies'

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d5b891  No.349837

File: e16c8f29aeb1426⋯.png (1.54 MB, 1080x1885, 216:377, Picsart_22_08_20_22_47_22_….png)

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d5b891  No.349838

File: f746f0b58e12c03⋯.png (2.07 MB, 2246x1080, 1123:540, Picsart_22_08_20_22_49_18_….png)

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d5b891  No.349839

File: 4d087e6d96e4461⋯.jpg (87.62 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, 20busey_ukz_aug_mobileMast….jpg)


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d5b891  No.349840


In 1988, he was badly hurt after losing control of his motorcycle near downtown Los Angeles while riding without wearing a helmet. He sustained severe head injuries and underwent intensive surgery

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d5b891  No.349841

File: 98465019b695517⋯.jpg (1.77 MB, 2400x1601, 2400:1601, url.jpg)

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