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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: 953d43bb469ff64⋯.mp4 (11.96 MB, 480x600, 4:5, km_20220820_4_Copy_Copy_48….mp4)

ce85b9  No.349755

you're not going to find it in YOUR LIVING ROOM


while you were in your living room

waxing expertise

cohen was in the foxhole with your apeman

he knows the REAL apeman

You ?….


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ce85b9  No.349756

File: 5c94dc0a669c7df⋯.mp4 (7.8 MB, 720x900, 4:5, km_20220820_4_Copy_Copy_72….mp4)

THIS is exactly why I love Jews …

They're BRILLIANT communicators





razor sharp…….

to the pont……

it's exactly why they're so good at business

people trust them

It's the EXACT reason whyYOU'REnot good at business….

it's exactly why YOU'RE disenfranchised

you don't have what it takes

so you complain about Jews controlling the world

Notice that Jews NEVER complain about 'those crafty clever white people controlling the world"

may the best man win

and they did

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ce85b9  No.349758

you fashion-trend-following wannabe 'jew hating' fake ass neo-Nazi sissy boy white supremacist unaccomplished white trash introverted cowardly video game closet homosexuals hating Jews is the same thing as the white trash Trump supporters pretending they won the election


Jewish people aren't responsible for your disenfranchisement…

You did it to yourselves. You made yourselves obsolete. You're simply not good enough…

White Effluent

Like the way a dog turns white in the yard after a few weeks

You aren't good enough….

Hopefully, you'll be reincarnated as a jew

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ce85b9  No.349759

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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ce85b9  No.349760

The way aDOG TURD*turns white

it serves no more purpose

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c4a5c1  No.349844


Mueller has perma busted Cohen's asshole.

Must have fisted him up to the elbow with both hands in.

Snapped his mind like a dry twig.

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440f24  No.349968


do you engage in absurd fantasies about ALL MEN'S BUTTHOLES, or just Jews?

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440f24  No.349969


Speaking of being an unemployed bum,


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8eb67b  No.349982


why don't you go to dunkin donuts and try to extort them for money again

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