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File: 6bb0d0815575f24⋯.jpg (33.85 KB, 609x484, 609:484, B9qEyucCUAIyPJG.jpg)

bb0309  No.349742

what sort of ancient primordial jew tricked the Aryan Cro-Magnon into racemixing with neanderkikes?

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bb0309  No.349751

File: 6c621868a3cde52⋯.jpg (13.55 KB, 220x175, 44:35, boskop_man.jpg)


neanderkike DNA is linked to CANCER and AUTO-IMMUNE diseases… what's an auto-immune disease? the immune system only attacks what they class as foreign elements… those in possession of excessive neanderkike DNA have their own body class it's self as a foreign element; some Aryanity does remain down to the molecular level, and thus, the body attempts to kill it's self in order to prevent the emergence of more mongrels…


>scientists are puzzled on why nigger's exhibit a lower frequency of auto-immune diseases

the elephant in the room no one wants to address, niggers show a lower rate of auto-immune diseases because auto-immune diseases are the mark of prehistorical mongreldom… say what you want about niggers, at least they exterminated all other sub-species of homo's they came in contact with! but then again if they bred with some specimen found they might've been more intelligent than a sack of bricks..

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dd450d  No.349775



I love watching you pretend to understand genetics…..

But I couldn't help but notice you seemed to admit one painful fact :



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dd450d  No.349776


…..and in case you're wondering… NO….

NO I indeed do NOT give a shit whether you want to accept it or not

Your cowardice is YOUR problem, not mine

No matter WHAT your tiny little ego WANTS TO BELIEVE…

the fact of the matter is:


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dd450d  No.349777


You're no different than a mutated salamander a mile deep in a mammoth cave….

pale and white, with no eyes….

Mutated over many many generations

A mutated freakish offshoot from its original Green salamander state…

You're nothing more than a DEFORMED NIGGER

And so is your discount prostitute of a mother

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dd450d  No.349778


How long did it take your mother to spend the money she earned by getting pregnant with you?

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dd450d  No.349779


Even if she was charging as much as the high dollar prostitutes, it still wasn't a good investment for her

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dd450d  No.349781

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

You seem interested in learning about your history

So I figured I'd help you

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3f2ba0  No.351812

File: a045bb63fab80c2⋯.jpg (37.78 KB, 500x374, 250:187, Rachel_91_thefappeningblog….jpg)

i am by no means an expert in this field but it was probably the khazarian milkers

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486e4e  No.351948


Those milkers look fake. Can anyone confirm if they're real?

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8ecc97  No.351950


Totally fake.

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