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File: 55f4ed43ab7ffaa⋯.jpg (55.1 KB, 390x259, 390:259, america_battered.jpg)

3db34e  No.349641

RELATED: >>>/pnd/348581

Good! US Marines Win Class Protection From Clot Shot Mandate

The U.S. District Court of Florida has provided class action relief and granted a classwide preliminary injunction from the unlawful federal COVID shot mandate on behalf of those who are in active or reserve service in the United States Marine Corps. Liberty Counsel sued Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and pursued this class action relief on behalf of all U.S. Marines who were denied religious accommodations from the COVID shots which are associated with aborted fetal cells.

U.S District Court Judge Steven Merryday has now issued the following injunction against the Department of Defense and the U.S. Marine Corps:

“The defendants are PRELIMINARILY ENJOINED (1) from enforcing against a member of the class any order, requirement, or rule to accept COVID-19 vaccination, (2) from separating or discharging from the Marine Corps a member of the class who declines COVID-19 vaccination, and (3) from retaliating against a member of the class for the member’s asserting statutory rights under RFRA [Religious Freedom Restoration Act].”

The class includes:

“All persons on active duty or in the ready reserve (1) who serve under the command of the Marine Corps, (2) who were affirmed by a chaplain as harboring a sincere religious objection, (3) who timely submitted an initial request for a religious accommodation, (4) who were denied the initial request, (5) who timely appealed the denial of the initial request, and (6) who were denied or will be denied after appeal.”

In his order, Judge Merryday notes that 3,733 Marines have requested religious accommodations from receiving the COVID-19 shot ordered by the Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin in August 2021. Yet the Marine Corps has granted only 11 accommodations which includes only those who are due for retirement and prompt separation.

The court continued, “Because the record reveals the substantial likelihood of a systemic failure by the Marine Corps to discharge the obligations established by RFRA, a class wide preliminary injunction is warranted to preserve the status quo, to permit the full development of the record without prejudice to the plaintiffs, and to permit both a trial and a detailed, fact-based resolution of the controlling issues of fact and law.”

“When Congress acts to preserve liberty, especially a liberty historically and constitutionally fundamental to the United States, the courts — the intended preserve of liberty — must not evade or equivocate, must not, so to speak, sacrifice the fundamental right of thousands of privates to Free Exercise in order to gratify the preference of a few generals.”


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3db34e  No.349646

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0c50aa  No.349731

Having fun yet /pnd/?

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2db714  No.349783



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2db714  No.349784


Have you ever noticed that there's no such thing as a heterosexual male Christian?

They're all hiding their homosexuality behind the false cloak of imaginary holiness they think people associate with their delusional false religion

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2db714  No.349786


Female Christians are indeed very much heterosexual

Female Christians LOVE to cheat on their closet homosexual Christian husbands and boyfriends

Not like the husbands or boyfriends care, because they're not sexually attracted to women

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2db714  No.349787


Show me a man who claims to believe in jesus, and I'll show you a closet homosexual who would molest his own children if nobody was looking

Show me a female who claims to believe in Jesus and I'll show you a woman who loves being gangraped

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2db714  No.349788


Which reminds me.. 73 years and you only managed to have one child?

I take it you weren't very attracted to your wife?

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2db714  No.349789


I'm guessing just like all other christians, you married her to prove that you're not gay?

She was distant from the beginning, you can tell that by looking at the old photographs

She knew you didn't really love her and it was all for show to prove that you weren't interested in other men

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2db714  No.349790


I'm not surprised you actually read the Liberty council garbage

After all, you're not very smart and your secretly gay

So of course you would read it

Flies land on dog shit

And stupid white trash land on Liberty council, we're there so impressed they begin copying and pasting

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2db714  No.349791

Any fully grown adult who's retarded enough to read the garbage in the Bible and actually think it's true deserves whatever happens to him after he reads Liberty council rubbish

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2db714  No.349793

If they read Liberty council, there's nothing worth saving

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2db714  No.349794

….. As they say, "nothing of value was lost"

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2db714  No.349795


If you were looking for an embarrassing fairy tale to build a life's belief system around, why didn't you select a more realistic fairy tale?

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2db714  No.349796


Didn't you realize that one day people were going to wonder why you picked such a lowbrow, stupid, embarrassingly unrealistic and rudimentary fairy tale to build your entire life's belief system around?

Wouldn't the three little pigs have been less embarrassing?

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2db714  No.349797


You're such a fucking idiot, that you actually believe there used to be a guy named Jesus?

Are you serious?

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2db714  No.349798


So I'm guessing the entire HORUS thing managed to go over your head?

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2db714  No.349799


Or.. perhaps the more likely scenario :

You're just too stupid and lazy to have educated yourself ?…..



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2db714  No.349800


So ……

The fact that there we're SIXTEEN JESUSES is "just an irrelevant coincidence" as far as you're concerned?….

What's it like to be a mental midget?

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2db714  No.349802

So you're telling me all the previous 15 identical 'jesus' stories throughout history were all FAKE?…

all of the ORIGINAL FIFTEEN JESUSES were fakes…..

but the SIXTEENTH "Jesus" was real ?….

You're stupid as shit, dude….

You're SO uneducated, it's hilarious

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2db714  No.349803






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2db714  No.349804


Who the hell are YOU to talk about what the military deserves?


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2db714  No.349805

File: f95fbbc313308e7⋯.jpg (326.52 KB, 1626x1080, 271:180, Picsart_22_08_20_21_51_45_….jpg)


Here….. Fixed that for you


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2db714  No.349806

My father was a Marine…..

YOU are a fucking weasel

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2db714  No.349807

you're a god damn maggot

bred in dog shit from a fly's vagina

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2db714  No.349808

You have the AUDACITY to call yourself a 'patriot'

you're a punk

While real men were facing death



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2db714  No.349809

you?…… you AIN'T SHIT

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2db714  No.349810

you drowned your cowardly failure in alcohol

while PATRIOTS DIED, bitch

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2db714  No.349811

Jerry is a PATRIOT, too…. right?

a patriot who was slamming boy

(that's drug talk)

while REAL PATRIOTS had their legs blown off


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2db714  No.349812

last time I checked, you & jerry are


fucking strung out addicts

Neither of you capable of

managing your addictions

Not even brave enough to admit when you've made a mistake




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2db714  No.349813


Not to mention the fact that you're both meat eaters

(Literally human garbage)

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2db714  No.349814


I would gladly take a chainsaw to the top of your head and continue right down through your crotch, hang both halves of your pathetic ass on two big meat hooks, and before the customers came to buy half of a piece of shit for $1,500, Id swat all the flies off your pathetic cowardly ass

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2db714  No.349815


FACT : as I type this, you are guzzling disgusting discount cheap vodka, because you drank all your money away, and now that you have to scrape bye on garbage instead of the quality bourbon you used to pretend you deserved

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2db714  No.349816



There never was any "quality" about the disgusting bourbon you destroyed your life with


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2db714  No.349817


After you schlepped a cowards life, avoiding military service or duty to country….

You nauseate me with your embarrassing American flag covered in blood cheap ass stupid picture you uploaded

And your irrelevant opinions about Marines

You aren't good enough to offer your opinions about the Marines, civilian….

you cowardly civilian

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2db714  No.349818


My dad would knock you unconscious SO FAST

lol no shit……. He was a BASTARD

and a brutal, brutal badass….

He was PERFECT for The Marines

That's why they made him drill instructor

You don't know anything about the Marines

So why don't you shut your fucking mouth?

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2db714  No.349819

(dad was kind of a 'dazzling' badass)

it's kinda hard to explain…..

but it would probably sound 'fake' if I told you

some of the shit we saw our father do

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2db714  No.349820


when dad walked in the room

everybody lit up

the party started….He was wild

and women loved him

for some reason, women all wanted to fuck him

and he got tons of chicks

lol he was a womanizing son of a bitch

And he was TOTALLY cool……

a cool as fuck, confident pal

but if dad was going to fight you?


lol no shit, he'd beat the brakes off ppl

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2db714  No.349821

That's EGG ZACK LEE whyyoucan fuck off

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2db714  No.349823

True Story :

There was some kind of thing the Marines did for a while similar to a USO show I guess?

Maybe not quite the same as the old USO shows, but dad could have explained the details a lot better.. I really don't remember that part

Anyway, they'd select young hot up and coming models and girls for these events

And dad was SO GOOD at getting girls, that they assigned him to that job for a while…

100% TRUE…..

and he was fucking all of them…

like for example, ANITA BRYANT

ANITA BRYANT, the orange juice lady

when she was young,my father was fucking her

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2db714  No.349824

and if dad were here right now ….

He'd be very respectful…….

And he'd say 'why are you worried about what Marines do or don't do ?… Don't you have chickens to feed?"

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2db714  No.349825

and if I know dad, then he'd get drunk as fuck with you, and you two old jackasses would go out and beat up a couple people just for the fuck of it

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2db714  No.349826

back in those days, things were different…

Dad quite literally BEAT THE EVER LIVIN' DOGSHIT out of several men…. SEVERAL…

I'm talking about leaving men unconscious in the middle of the street…. 100% true

But he never got in trouble because of it

He never got arrested or anything

These days, it would be all over the news and he would be sent to prison

It wasn't like that back then

Dad would beat the shit out of guys, and walk away….

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0b521e  No.349924



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0b521e  No.349925



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0b521e  No.349926


(Not a man and your penis never really worked, at least not for females)

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0c50aa  No.349931

real news anti-slide

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8f5e53  No.352157

anti-slide verified news bump

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e0a5d7  No.352163

File: 11b3cb4b8cee219⋯.jpg (160.28 KB, 900x495, 20:11, PicsArt_03_30_09_07_30.jpg)




Bumping for moar Neptune ITT!


secretly delighted whenever he has a plethora of targets.

Also, this will only be the fourth Non-Neptune post ITT.

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