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File: a71c92cadeef6f6⋯.jpg (437.27 KB, 800x1045, 160:209, THE_SON_OF_SAM_Andy.jpg)

a71e60  No.349526

theonedemon dontpossess itself

I was possessed by a demon very briefly once.

I was experiencing severe anxiety for years

Sometimes very severe to the point of depersonalization.

It works like this: Our egos rely on our external environment for their validation, Me, you, that tree.

Anxiety causes the old fear/flight mechanism to fire off 50,000 years ago we had real dangers:being eaten by a large cat, starving, etc.

Today we still worry, and have anxiety, dread, angst, etc, about our uncertain futures and alienation, modern day loneliness and meaningless(you don't think about these things anymore like if you might be eaten just looking for a meal)

But there is no cat out there today, no stranger with a spear waiting outside your door, but we still feel the fight/flight fear.

so in my state of heightened vigilance,fear, I was saying,unconsciously, "where is it, where is it, the thing that's trying to get me", but there is nothing there.

This vague uncertainy weakens my attention to my surrounding. My attention becomes dulled

We build our egos on this relationship to our environments.

When the environment becomes blurred, so do our egos.

In my case, my severely blurred ego from my severely blurred relationship to my environment led to depersonalization

My ego vanished.

Some drugs can do this, such as the dissociative drugs like pcp, or cough medicine(psychedelics will do it to some degree also, but to the extent of the dissociative drugs )

I've never tried dissociative drugs because the feelings of depersonalization that I experienced were horrible.

At the peak of my depersonalization i felt that a demonic presence had entered me.

when I say 'me', I meant that I could only put this into words after the depersonalization had ameliorated somewhat.

My ego was obliterated, there was no 'I'.

Now from self analysis of the event afterward, the 'demon that I experienced may have been pure hostility towards certain members of my family, and because my ego was almost non-existence at that moment, the feeling of hostility that "I" had was all.

There was no me experiencing this hostility, being, nonbeing and hostility were one.

I was possessed.

Some people with less insight may have let the demon pick up an axe and give your fam 40 whacks

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4a0c81  No.349538

That's a good boy….

Keep reaffirming your need for welfare

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4a0c81  No.349539

it's easier not to try than to face more failures, huh?

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a71e60  No.349576

File: 067c335c8eb6a9e⋯.jpg (110.09 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, 2016_09_20_drug_demon.jpg)


What demon did you let in?

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1de18f  No.349577

Johnny Homo is suffering from monkeypox. Such is the fate of a meth-smoking homo.

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f2745e  No.349579


Neptune is okay if he just stays on his program. But this place brings him the lure of easy lulz and sometimes he slips.

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4a0c81  No.349586


David Berkowitz was ALSO faking

there never was a dog hallucination…

it was all bullshit

Malingering….. Just like you

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4a0c81  No.349587

dude…. when I was 12, I took my first hot of real 4-waybwindowpane LSD

the next day I took another hit…

Within a week, I was taking 10 strips…

ten hits of 4 way windowpane LSD

real old school LSD

I continued taking 10 strips almost EVERY DAY for three years… Not joking

Here's the pattern I followed:

trip 24/7 for 5 or 6 days, then take a 1 day break, to replenish my vitamins and minerals

LSD, like all drugs, needs your body to have nutrients, or you can't get high…

after that 1 day break, I'd go right back to tripping for another 5 or 6 days, and I continued that pattern until I was 15…

dissociating, huh ?……


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4a0c81  No.349588

By the way, whoever illustrated David in that creepy effeminate painting made him look like Andy Kaufman morphed with Joe Rogan

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4a0c81  No.349589

DEMONS = grow up

there's NO God

there's NO angels

there never was a Jesus

DEMONS are fairy tales

you'd sound more credible if you claimed

THE TOOTH FAIRY possessed you

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4a0c81  No.349590

you're an intelligent guy

a chubby, sedentary guy….

but intelligent

so isn't it interesting how even YOU

had your existence needlessly modified

with a fairy tale

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4a0c81  No.349591

RELIGION : a lifetime investment, that can only be proven AFTER YOURE DEAD


and youre intelligent……

you fell for that bullshit?

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4a0c81  No.349592

It's THE STUPIDEST, most transparently false scam in history…

THATS why they always "recruit" children

they can't trick an adult into that scam

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4a0c81  No.349593

do yourself a favor :

go ahead and envision yourself as having already died, realized there never was a Jesus, there's no god, no heaven, no angels, no demons, no 'invisible dogs in the wall', no Bigfoot, no tooth fairy…

Then stop and read your own words about being possessed by an imaginary DEMON

And you'll realize how stupid you look right now

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e5ecd6  No.349621

File: 6d17049f18cadec⋯.jpg (11.3 KB, 255x237, 85:79, bohm.jpg)


No what now?

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a71e60  No.349746

File: 1b0b01b1fd6dea3⋯.jpg (439.79 KB, 679x1078, 97:154, Ivan_Moskvin_and_Vasily_Ka….jpg)


>DEMONS = grow up

It's all a metaphor, Andy.

Demonic possession is real, metaphorically.

Just like Heaven and hell are real, as they exist here on earth, and we each create our own heaven or hell here , and what ever happens to us after death, happens to us all.

tRump has everything, but wants more, thus He has created one of Dante's circles of hell for himself.

tRump lives in the circle of desire and conceit.

the innermost cicle of hell, the frozen one, wherein Satan resides, is or the worst offenders.

This is where I presently reside Andy, this hell that I have created for myself.

As for our demons, they don't have to have corporeal form to torment us, as they exist in the empty spaces of our brain synapses

what demons torment you Andy?

What hell have you created for yourself, that you feel the need to reside here with the rest of the polite society's chaff?

Here in the lower depths?



PS: I woulda replied sooner, but this sites captcha is shit

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