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File: 3f0bf1effc6bb74⋯.jpg (50.81 KB, 720x405, 16:9, AOC_IN_FLORIDA_DURING_PAND….jpg)

4e73fd  No.349340

It's famine (communism) or feast (capitalism) for American restaurants right now.

Establishments in deep-blue cities that faced both excessive COVID-19 restrictions plus violent protests in 2020 are starved for diners, according to global data.

The same source shows that Sun Belt boomtowns in Florida, Texas and Arizona are busier than ever and enjoying a massive surge in restaurant business this year.

The divide between the two is startling.

The number of daily diners in the city of Minneapolis was down an average of 54.3% in July — so the city had less than half the number of people eating out, compared with July 2019, according to OpenTable.

Minneapolis enacted two years of onerous executive-order lockdown policies starting in March 2020.

The state of Florida, meanwhile, has four of the top six surging cities in America, with the average number of people dining out in Miami, Fort Lauderdale, Naples and Tampa up nearly 30% from July 2019 to July 2022.

"Florida quickly returned to normal and avoided the draconian lockdowns you saw in other parts of the country," Florida Restaurant and Lodging Association spokesman Geoff Luebkemann told Fox News Digital.


Pic in OP is AOC with her boyfriend dining in Florida amid the covid-19 scare!

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