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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: 81a865048f5f903⋯.jpg (87.12 KB, 783x720, 87:80, Picsart_22_08_03_07_52_33_….jpg)

8e1d8e  No.348800

Everybody knows that Killcen is going to suffer a massive stroke in October, so this is approaching your last opportunity to wish him well on his journey into death.

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8e1d8e  No.348803


I think you meant "it's time to SAY our final goodbyes to Killcen"

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d368d7  No.348806

I hope he has the stroke today, because I'm sick and tired of having a COWARD in here.

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8e1d8e  No.348809


I'm afraid you're simply going to have to wait, but I assure you that you will not be disappointed with the end results.

His doctors have been formed me he's going to suffer an agonizing death.

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046036  No.348813


I'm my own doctor and I'm not having any stroke. And I will not leave. /pnd/ is my own personal punching bag from now on. If I get angry, I come here to SHIT ON YOU. That and for mirroring real news. Nothing else.


Suck the peanuts out of my shit I don't





you or ANYONE









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3b00e6  No.348814

File: 8cec654a3aa77a0⋯.jpg (221.07 KB, 1280x812, 320:203, tinfoil_primeval_raptor_by….jpg)

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424f6f  No.348827



painfully obvious samefag.


>glow better or don't glow at all.

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77d35f  No.348880

Johnny Homo glows 24/7.

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