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0bfa3f  No.348717

You Can Only Solve The World Conflict Step By Step, Project By Project





I have shared several ideas, strategy, solution to make the world economic financial system become better. Here not only in term of money, finance but also about human development evolution as well.

Based on current geopolitical situation, the most doable project now is the new digital currency system and the new personal bank type network.

Then move to the new regional currencies.

I can see the West nations like United State, Europe can kick off and start those project first (if the East do not believe in).

The important key point of the new digital currency is bold, straight forward in term of price, fees, exchanging.

Because people only care about money, then a new project from the richest asset group in theory help them save 5-10% the cost will over better than a project from the less rich money group but cost them more money.

I cannot help people who don’t want to communicate just like the rich money people do not care about how the poor money people are living.

It is always much easier to work with direct known objective goal.

What I am doing now is guessing the problem behind the scene, not really know and do not want to know what the hell you guys are doing/caring either.

It is cost nothing to talk, communicate but you guys are refusing it.

This article maybe the last article I will talk about the world economic financial matter.

There is no reason for me to do it anymore, waste of time and receive nothing in return.

I will offline soon within next week or next month, so if any group/beings who want to work with me in any kind of project which I have shared the basic information, then do it as soon as possible.

At the end of the day it is not about God or Messiah or Buddha or any entities, do not expect miracle come out of nowhere because it all about project, solution, ideas, information that matter the most.

Best Regard,

Mid Mess Fair





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