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File: 6b539f8cc9fc764⋯.png (8.21 KB, 300x300, 1:1, midmessfair_blue.png)

d53246  No.348497

The Global Economic Trade War Will End When Nations Agree Use The New Neutral Currency





The international conflict between nations about economy, financial system can only end when they agree to use the new fair neutral currency.

The best possible solution using a new neutral currency that based on the the “average” value/price of real physical important goods such as metals, fuels or staple foods or the popular commodity in general.

It is very easy to print new money paper called as new official international currency based on the average price of oil, gas, rice, wheat, cotton, lumber, bronze, silver, gold, coffee, sugar, etc. (you can easily pick top 10 most “important” goods of daily life).

Then you can start the new world economic game by giving away to the public people with some fixed rate like 1 person will receive 10,000 new international currency money. So there will be total 80 trillions one.

Then nations will trade again with each other.

The exchange rate between each national currencies will based on the real uncensored market when people from 2 nations trade in-person with each other. Mostly the travelers people.

But the question who will hold, manage the system?

Well if both side cannot find the common ground then will use real physical cash paper, then transfer it into the computer.

Or there could be more than 1 new international currency money based on “allies” and/or continents, regions. In this case it will be store in the digital tech format.

In each regions, the “staple foods” and important goods are not the same, so the items be chosen will be different too.

Then each big region international currency will be traded based on real supply and demand of the market with the fixed rules like the sellers will decide which currency will be accept.

But due to the fact that there are current 2 type: back-end and front-end system in the society, so there should be private and public version.

Is that possible to handout money to all people in all nations in the fair way?

Impossible because of the corruption level in each nations are out of the roof, and not all people like to use technology, machine too.

So the best possible way to distribute the new international currency is still allowing people exchange real physical old out-of-circulation bank notes for the new international currency (either the digital or real physical version).

If it was done via physical collecting, then the automatic ATM machine must have collect money features to make sure all the people who are holding the Zimbabwe ZWR or Yugoslavia Dinar are safe.

There could be fixed number zeroes will be deleted or they will the receive the “potential casino point”, then they can use that “potential gambling point” to play online dice games to receive the new currency.

For digital currency version, I would suggest using casino games.

While with the real physical money paper version, I would recommend fixed amount of deleted zeroes.

In order to make is safe for the transition, then the technology version for the technology industry should come first, then the physical money paper version in each region will come after.

I don’t have access to the database and information about how much old bank notes was printed or what ever sensitive information the GOV are holding, so cannot give more advice about number.

That is the end for the Euro, US Dollar, GBP.

That is the end for the old era.

too long…





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4823c5  No.348498

File: 76f064fdd3335b7⋯.mp4 (1.66 MB, 852x480, 71:40, km_20220529_2_720p_1_00.mp4)

I bet you've got the NASTIEST vagina…

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4823c5  No.348499

LOL @ Amanda Mason making a fool out of you…

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4823c5  No.348500

Amanda turned you into a PUNK…

her arrest warrant has changed your life, forced you into running and hiding like a coward.

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4823c5  No.348501

…..by nature, you are an agoraphobic shut-in, who hasn't left her mother's house at 500 Allen Street in years…..

Quite literally YEARS….

you remained holed up in that shitty little house, breathing the stale unhealthy air, pale and pastey, rarely bathing…

But you had to go to court several months ago, and they granted a restraining order against you, which you stupidly violated.

And now you spend your days on the run, hiding at the library, and still rarely bathing.

You're Amanda's punching bag….

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4823c5  No.348502

By the way, anybody with eyes can see you obviously eat a shitty unhealthy diet.. I would imagine you're not exactly that much of a health nut, huh?…

You probably eat meat, don't you?.. I bet you eat nasty food, like the typical white trash diet…

In case you're unaware, poor nutrition and bad genetics are the reasons your hair is so dry and frizzy…

Of course, you don't use quality hair care products, but even they can only treat hair after it grows, not cure it of the bad genetics and shitty nutrition that created the hideous tumbleweed in the first place..

Amanda told me you're famous for not bathing…

Show me a woman who doesn't bathe, and I'll show you a woman with a disgusting vagina…

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4823c5  No.348504


At what age did you stop bathing regularly?

did you EVER bathe regularly?

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4823c5  No.348505

So….. Your mother fucks NIGGERS, huh ?….

You come from a classy family. No wonder you're such a sophisticated brilliant young lady

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4823c5  No.348506

I noticed that you and your siblings all have different last names….

Even the half-nigger…..

So your mother can't keep a man very long I'd imagine.. that's not really surprising

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4823c5  No.348507



One of the stupidest names I've ever seen

It's literally one of the worst concepts anybody ever came up with, has no meaning, doesn't roll off the tongue well, and is instantly forgettable…

You're horrible with creative projects, huh ?…

Being creative isn't one of your specialties, is it?

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4823c5  No.348508

You're a financial expert! That's why everybody owes you money

You're also a glamorous and beautiful specimen, which explains why everybody raped you.. literally everybody, not just criminals, but everybody…

Hollywood movie stars and powerful politicians and serial killers and even historical figures who died hundreds of years before you were born..

it turns out they've ALL raped you….

ANDthey owe you money and they're going to prison

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4823c5  No.348509

I always take my financial advice from SSI welfare recipients

There's something about $780 a month that literally screams "financial advisor"

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4823c5  No.348512

You truly are quite insane….

The Disability Court (welfare) Judge was correct to approve you for benefits…

Because you OBVIOUSLY can't function in the adult world.

PLUS, you're stupid as fuck….

You're SO stupid, that you violated a restraining order…

By doing so, you absolutely guaranteed that you're going to sit in a jail cell without bond…

There's nothing you can do to stop it…

Of course, you can hide and DELAY IT, but the only way it's ever going to go away involves you sitting in a cement & steel cage

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4823c5  No.348525


Tell me about your alcoholic drug addict nigger-fucking mother…

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4823c5  No.348531


it's hilarious how NOBODY ever responds to ANYTHING you post

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5fb8de  No.348533

Johnny Homo. What a sad sack of monkeypox.

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ae29a1  No.348702


lol says the irrelevant little man with no woman

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ae29a1  No.348703


Q : exactly HOW LONG do you intend on continuing to rely on masturbation?

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ae29a1  No.348705



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ae29a1  No.348706




I can't wait til you go to jail

(It's going to be comedy gold)

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ae29a1  No.348707

File: 31417951755cdb0⋯.mp4 (10.08 MB, 480x360, 4:3, Treatin_Anji_Like_A_Dog_pa….mp4)

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