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File: 5c9fe57aa64f4a5⋯.jpeg (134.67 KB, 1000x667, 1000:667, 1000_1.jpeg)

351035  No.348422

Here in leaf-land, they're putting us useless eaters down like dogs.

TORONTO (AP) — Alan Nichols had a history of depression and other medical issues, but none were life-threatening. When the 61-year-old Canadian was hospitalized in June 2019 over fears he might be suicidal, he asked his brother to “bust him out” as soon as possible.

Within a month, Nichols submitted a request to be euthanized and he was putto sleep, despite concerns raised by his family and a nurse practitioner.

His application for euthanasia listed only one health condition as the reason for his request to die: hearing loss.

Nichols’ family reported that They say he was not taking needed medication for depression, wasn’t using the cochlear implant that helped him hear, and that hospital staffers improperly helped him request euthanasia.

“Alan was basically sent to the farm,” his brother Gary Nichols said.

Equally troubling, advocates say, are instances in which people have sought to be killed because they weren’t getting adequate government support to live.



theoneleaf dontfallitself

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b2940d  No.348425

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The soul they took from him was not even missed.

Probably. Maybe.

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351035  No.348426

File: e029f0da37a2b86⋯.jpg (10.82 KB, 193x261, 193:261, index.jpg)

>> 348422

>The soul they took from him was not even missed.

you mean

The body they took from him was not even missed.

souls aren't missed by the higher authority.


Black Sabbath….I've all ways wondered what Beavis or Butt-head would be like all grown up.

Areyou the mod here"

N'yuck, N'yuck

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ccc88b  No.348427


Not a mod. I just play one on TV.

But I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express ™ last night.

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351035  No.348437

File: 7b2c0664065acfe⋯.jpg (173.61 KB, 1240x806, 20:13, 1_z8OnJusfEkkiOyGVdV_Huw.jpg)


>Not a mod. I just play one on TV.

Are you with the squad?

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a4a828  No.348438

File: d5d6a762c113db4⋯.mp4 (8.83 MB, 852x480, 71:40, RMCFY_00.mp4)

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b4d7bf  No.348454

if they legalized guns, they would not even have to make their hands dirty

but it is interesting that one has to be 61 years old with years of suffering under his belt to be "allowed" to find his peace and final rest. we truly live in a prison planet

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351035  No.348464

File: b9dc1a3924ba1a4⋯.jpg (292.75 KB, 2000x313, 2000:313, bojack_dog_farm.jpg)


>>if they legalized guns, they would not even have to make their hands dirty

Messy, but quick.

This is how I'd like to go.

Doctors aren't supposed to bring up the subject of euthanasia to patients let alone suggest it, but they apparently are talking about euthanasia to patients in relationship to the high cost of their medical care.

Covid wasn't the boomer remover.

Sending old people 'up to the farm' is.

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3cec64  No.348470


>Beavis and Butthead

Yes. Agreed. You gave Hollywood a freebie. It would make $$$.

>higher authority

With all due respect to your faith and belief system

*deep breath*

They're not killing people? They are sending them to a "better place" to keep company with the "Higher Authority" ?

After ww2 six million of the chosen were sent to keep company with the "Higher Authority".

I should think the higher authority has enough company screaming for justice, correction and divine retribution already.

Book says: Babylon is going to fall and a burning torch of a star, Wormwood by name, is going to impact the planet.

I can't hardly wait. Bring it I say.

In the meantime, euthanasia is your ticket to heaven?

They LOVE it.




Anything goes I guess. Whatever the "market" will tolerate.

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351035  No.348584

Tim Stainton, director of the Canadian Institute for Inclusion and Citizenship at the University of British Columbia, described Canada’s law as “probably the biggest existential threat to disabled people since the Nazis’ program in Germany in the 1930s.

Things don't happen in vacuum. There are always factors affecting people's decisions, or entirely depriving them of agency. And in this specific case state medicine (the one that is responsible for the process, and has all the power to influence it) is immensely motivated to force sick people into euthanasia whether those people want it or not, while those who are supposed to provide oversight (government) are motivated to support euthanasia in, practically, all cases (unless its a patient in private clinic, they are costing money that could line up pockets of the rich and help politicians get re-elected).

Even on the level of implementation things are incredibly abusable. Feedback is similarly fucked, as it is nigh impossible to object to it: those who are forced into euthanasia are cut off from the rest of the world, and can't complain afterwards as they are disposed of in the process. The example in the article had been made public only because murder victim had caring family that refused to shut up, and hospital was sloppy (failed to come up with a convincing reason for euthanasia, patient clearly had no reason to desire death). And even those circumstances required years of effort to make things public.

I.e. for all intents and purposes, Canadians are killing off undesirables (elderly, seriously sick, etc.). If government is supposed to pay you any money in any form, you are on a kill list. This is what euthanasia is for: budget cuts. Austerity measures.

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1fa642  No.348664

File: f90e1b0c5137d72⋯.jpg (136.48 KB, 960x696, 40:29, 1518423466335.jpg)


I guarantee they took a look at his profile and it said 'organ donor' and the thought of all that money outweighed any moral hangups.

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7a6380  No.348797




*ding ding*

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