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File: b7e41ff35ba9419⋯.jpg (68.46 KB, 834x490, 417:245, IRS_agents_conduct_firearm….jpg)

aeeb2f  No.348321 [Last 50 Posts]

IRS agents don't just carry sidearms to protect themselves in the rare instance that some deranged person snaps and comes running out of his house with a knife or gun.

IRS agents also have access to and are trained in semi-automatic rifles and tactical shotguns. These are the same “assault weapons” that the Biden administration wants to ban us from having.

At the same time they’re trying to disarm us, they are arming federal tax collectors to the teeth with “military grade” weapons, as they like to call them when they’re in the hands of law-abiding American citizens.

When they knock on your door, they apparently no longer come with calculators and notepads to show you your tax bill but with a cold-steel barrel ready to burn hot.

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10834a  No.348322

How about you just pay your fucking taxes, asshole? You live in an apartment with 330,000,000 roommates. Pay your fair share or get the fuck out.

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43613b  No.348331

File: 73fff05be67542e⋯.jpeg (6.14 KB, 299x168, 299:168, _.jpeg)


Do not fret my child. Jesus loved the tax collectors and Romans 13 is my magic ticket to pull it out of your ass. Don't deny me child.

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fca0d3  No.348337


>You live

Well there's half of the problem right there!

With 6.7~ billion of them, maybe some of them should just kinda, you know… maybe stop living.

Now order your Tesla glorified electric golf cart because Joe is ending fossil fuels. You better look in his eyes. He's cereal.

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2b7136  No.348354

File: 7476197b0ef0df4⋯.mp4 (2.66 MB, 724x720, 181:180, pravlino.mp4)

>What to do?

space enough to let me know what knot

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ee73e1  No.348534


Hey IRS shill, tell me how much tax is "fair share"?

Is "never enough" your answer?

IRS agents are armed robbers with a license to kill.

Upgrade your weapons to "military grade" if you haven't, buy more ammunition, learn to use them and start to fortify your house!

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10834a  No.348536


They automatically take taxes out of your paycheck and out of your purchases, you stupid … oh wait … you don't have a job nor do you buy your own goods.

Go ask your mommy how taxes work. They don't come to your door and ask for money, moron.

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237c7b  No.348571


People already do, and way too much today. So much so our Founding Fathers are rolling over in their graves today.


They're eager to kill anyone who attempts to fight back or even simply those who refuse to conform to audits.


They'll simply increase audits on the hard working lower and middle classes and have you file reports to them about your expenses…. and IF you refuse to cooperate, even when an audit is not necessary or unfair extortion, then they'll come after you. This was abused before during the Obama regime, it's going to be abused again.

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237c7b  No.348572


I might want to add one more thing: you get what you vote for. Vote for demoncrats and this shit happens, EVERY TIME.

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70a070  No.348719



>They automatically take taxes out of your paycheck and out of your purchases, you stupid … oh wait … you don't have a job nor do you buy your own goods.

>Go ask your mommy how taxes work. They don't come to your door and ask for money, moron.

Did you tell IRS that they didn't need to buy so much ammunition and train their agents because as you said taxes were taken AUTOMATICALLY?

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70a070  No.349004

Texas Ranchers Who Experienced Brutal IRS Audit Issue Dire Warning to Middle-Class Americans

By C. Douglas Golden, The Western Journal

Published August 17, 2022 at 2:45pm

What will the 87,000 new Internal Revenue Service agents that the Democrats’ new tax and spend bill aims to hire mean for you? Just ask David and Deborah Hajda.

The Hajdas own the Raising 5 Cattle Company in Thorndale, Texas. Thirteen years ago, the IRS audited them thanks to, they say, an engine rebuild on one of their tractors.

Appearing on Fox News’ “America’s Newsroom” on Tuesday, they had a five-word message to anyone who doesn’t take the prospect of an IRS audit seriously: “They want to get you.”

The couple appeared on the same day that President Joe Biden signed the cynically misnomered “Inflation Reduction Act” into law.

In addition to spending gobs on the Democrats’ climate agenda and attempting to lower health care costs the liberal way for the zillionth time, the bill seeks to raise revenue by increasing taxes — and by squeezing more tax money out of those whose tax rates will remain the same.

The most controversial component of the program, arguably, is stepping up IRS enforcement, with 87,000 new agents being added to the force. This stepped-up enforcement, we were told, would be affecting big corporations and those making over $400,000 — although in practice, that’s never how it works.

Take the Hajdas’ case. The couple initially went viral after sharing their story on their company’s Facebook page.

“Can you imagine a government coming into your home and you have to give them everything? It shouldn’t have happened to us,” the post read. “It’s about to happen to you too if you own a business.”

“We got audited over basically a $7,800 engine rebuild on a very old tractor,” Deborah Hajda said during her appearance on Fox’s “America’s Newsroom.”

“They just said this was a red flag, and we’re going to audit you, and we’re coming to your house.”

Deborah told the network she asked if faxing her bank records to the IRS was an option. After all, that would prove where the money went to.

But, no: Agents came to her house and insisted on seeing the records for themselves.

“I took out our box of receipts … and we handed it to him, and I said ‘Here’s your receipts’ … We weren’t hiding anything,” she said.

The couple said they’d kept the necessary tabs on all of the expenses for the repairs, since they couldn’t afford to replace their tractor. That didn’t mean the auditor was through milking them, though. Instead, he asked for three years of their financial records.

“He wasn’t satisfied. He kept digging, kept digging. He ended up nailing us. Our tax person was giving us 80 percent on our work vehicles, and he said, ‘No, you can only do 50 percent,'” David Hajda said.

Deborah was shocked over the kind of license that the IRS had to look into their affairs.

“I was very naive about the situation. I had no idea of the power, the scope [of the audit] going in, three years of my life … and me having no control over that, no control over the information he was given,” she said.

“It was very invasive. You feel very attacked because that guy wanted to go back and say, ‘I got her.’”

Host Dana Perino asked David whether he thought the agent had sought them out, so he could hit his quota.

“Probably. They said it flagged it because our expenses were high that year, and it was because of this repair,” David said.

“They want to get you. If they’re coming after you for an audit, they don’t want to see your receipts and go, ‘Oh, OK, you’re good,'” Deborah said.

“They are going to nitpick your life apart, and that’s not what the American dream is for self-employment, small business. That’s just a kick in the teeth to do that to people living the American dream.”

Sadly, the Hajdas’ American dream is different than the Biden administration’s American dream, in which the president’s ambition to radically transform our economy has only been limited by a lack of resources to do so.

Those resources can be effectively dug up, though, by buttressing the IRS and making it more aggressive. Nearly 100,000 agents will certainly do the trick nicely. And make no mistake: They’re not just coming after people making over $400,000, and they don’t just want to see your receipts.

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2b7136  No.349006



<gaps in toofs for gades

>reading that shit


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ef9f09  No.349015


America is definitely a nation under siege by communists today. No doubt in my mind. Absolutely undeniable.

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2b7136  No.349016


get a heavier than usual au natural load lads.

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d8a356  No.349023


how about you fuck off federal agent cuck? not my problem you want to silence the white majority and take away our guns, so your horkheimer plan can be distributed to the world

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f812e0  No.349029


shoot them, The IRS is a private company and has no authority to enforce law. Every IRS is by law tresspesing and you are legally allowed to shoot them

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10834a  No.349053


>believing this

Lol, no. I bet you think you can shoot a mailman for stepping on your property to deliver your mail, too.

PROTIP: Before going to prison, be sure to practice stretching your asshole so you can handle it when Tyreese wants to cuddle.

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712384  No.349058


*funky pr0nz music starts playing*

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385211  No.349155

File: 73d49f3dcd2c1f7⋯.jpg (1.01 MB, 1170x1318, 585:659, 1660760339179315_glownigge….jpg)

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c5b278  No.349159


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385211  No.349196

File: ad89020ad2e7493⋯.jpg (39.09 KB, 617x500, 617:500, 1660681820019346.jpg)

"You owe us money to be used for what we want, you get no say in it, its impossible to formulate."

Government: The niggers are right, we should defund the police. The regular police.

Deep State: Sounds good. Just make every agency armed and train them to raid like SWAT teams. In a few years, there will be 50 types of "police" but not as much regular police.

Government: We'll say its for their defense!

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385211  No.349225

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413671  No.350923

Anonymous ID:sItzcLfB Sat 27 Aug 2022 02:58:25 No.392735320

Have you fortified your home from the 87,000 IRS agents yet?


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b75b78  No.350997


Imagine believing it wasn't actually true. What a rarified world you IRS fucks live in. The world is totally shaped by belief, nothing more. You 'believe' you are invincible and that you can 'do anything you want to humanity' but it isn't actually true.

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b75b78  No.350998


Its not even about 'private company' it is about theft. Taxation is theft. So what we are looking at is strong arm robbery.

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413671  No.351079

File: ed5d3111aa467d7⋯.gif (1.8 MB, 370x281, 370:281, 1539451298422_165878651363….gif)

File: d01b620123b8d33⋯.jpg (1.08 MB, 3762x3323, 3762:3323, 1467962928743_caesium_app_….jpg)


Anonymous ID:AoRUr12S Sun 28 Aug 2022 01:27:47 No.392850388

Have you fortified your home from the 87,000 IRS agents yet?


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bdef94  No.351083

File: 753692caf95dbeb⋯.jpg (74.27 KB, 768x766, 384:383, FaU7y3PXwAEyxqo_768x766_ca….jpg)

File: c33b16c7b25a390⋯.jpg (91.08 KB, 768x787, 768:787, FaI1_J9XwAAnNyq_768x787_ca….jpg)

The ATF is Just Raiding People at Random Now. August 23, 2022


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7fb837  No.351085


When an ATF agent is actually arrested by cops you know this is the beginnings of actual civil war in America. And now even the mainstream media is questioning whether or not America will completely collapse and balkanize: https://www.msn.com/en-ca/news/world/is-god-punishing-the-united-states-of-america/ar-AA1197HH

Is God punishing the United States of America?

Did God punish the Soviet Union for the mass murder of Russians? Hmmmmm…….

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7fb837  No.351086


I wrote this almost 10 years ago, it's a copy pasta warning about the communist takeover of the US and what to do, and how to prepare for it:


I've been thinking writing about this issue recently. This is something I got prepared for a while back ago, a decade maybe longer. I really got this down well and would like to share what I know. I assume most hardcore preppers already do the same, so this is NOT for you guys because you are already aware of what I will have to say.

Communist revolutions are dangerous and violent, they are empowered by systemic corruption, insolvency, greed and moral decay. The middle class and lower class are always the ones culled in a communist revolution, never the uber rich as they are well protected and have offshore safe havens and get-aways. It tends to be the rich who fund communist revolutions anyway as a means to cull the population. It is always the struggling lower and middle classes that get robbed and killed in communist revolutions. ALWAYS.

Now that this FACT is settled lets talk about one of their many hostile tactics to rob, rape and/or kill you. Communists have many radical tactics. They can blow up a levee or dam to flood out communities they cannot loot or control. They'll also use arson to subjugate their victims too. Sometimes they'll disrupt transportation, much like Antifa derails Amtrack trains and cargo shipments across the midwest! Very common tactics. Another thing communists will do is use a hijacked corrupted government to target families, often at night or early in the morning when people are sound asleep. Or sometimes they'll use mobs to do that too. Depends on the situations at hand. Gun grabs and gulag kidnappings go hand-in-hand during communist revolutions. They know very well the most vulnerable point in time for their victims is when they are sleeping! This is one area in which I have prepped pretty well for!

I have some mitigation tactics for those who plan this for me, and I'll be happy to share these tips with all of you:

(1) First off get used to sleeping in clothing, next to some boots by the side of your bed, cargo pants and a flannel shirt are great and comfy enough to sleep in. (2) You'll want to have a loaded handgun next to your bed, maybe on the nightstand, or you can sleep with it locked on safety mode. Either way have a loaded gun ready to use if you were to wake up during a B&E job or gulag kidnap gun grab. (3) You want something that is battery operated by the side of your bed or mounted to the wall next to you which will allow you to see in the dark. It could be night vision goggles, it could be a handheld portable LED light, it could be a small lamp hooked up to a 12V-powered 200 watt inverter. Maybe a heavy duty flashlight. Whatever it is, make sure you can see good in the dark, and make sure you can use it off-grid!! Have it handy and practice with it in the dark till you can utilize it within 5 seconds when need be. (4) Hardcore entry point fortification and some kind of alarm system that will alert you during a breach at night. When I talk about "entry point fortification" what I mean is having katy bars, floor locks, multiple dead bolts (with long strike plates + 3" stainless steel screws) to reinforce your exterior doors. If you have any patio glass door you need to knock it out and replace it by building an extended wall over it. Windows should also be covered or barred up from the inside, you can easily use wood bits to drill holes through the 2x4s around the frames of the windows and use stainless steel bolts with washers and nuts to mount thick plywood and/or warehouse shelving beams against the windows. Just make sure you get the measurements down correctly and have them leveled.

Basic review:

1) Well clothed, ready to hop out of bed and get into defensive mode.

2) Have a firearm handy next to where you sleep, with extra ammo nearby too.

3) Some kind of battery operated lighting or night vision goggles.

4) Some kind of alarm system for the hardened entry points encase they are breached.

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413671  No.351102

File: e733d004e31cad2⋯.png (1012.18 KB, 1636x596, 409:149, 1661653574792314_caesium_a….png)

File: 3289ea8ec31b56e⋯.png (40.08 KB, 865x413, 865:413, tldr_1643690475547_blackro….png)

File: 55ade1b926a2a8a⋯.png (155.78 KB, 1167x1519, 1167:1519, tldr_1651693645423_1633803….png)

File: 2f519d9d138b797⋯.png (18.82 KB, 530x500, 53:50, 1657857198390_blackrock_ti….png)

File: 3338f37411f7d6e⋯.png (122.74 KB, 750x738, 125:123, holohoax_di_XA7S1B_tinypng….png)

The IRS doesnt want the money, they want the compliance.

The feds quadrupled the money supply, now BlackRock and Vanguard, the extra branches of the government, can buy REAL ESTATE with monopoly money, and the military-industrial complex can make moves in ukraine, courtesy of russia. After a few years theyll reduce the money supply, and large investment companies will have the deed to something real, having used something fake.

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413671  No.351104

File: d1fc481e2d836e8⋯.jpg (25.01 KB, 294x339, 98:113, 1660165356738351_compresso….jpg)

File: 04a42029fc94868⋯.jpg (483.9 KB, 1489x3173, 1489:3173, tldr_1587366293307_weaver_….jpg)

File: 527cbfec0aeaf07⋯.png (465.2 KB, 914x766, 457:383, 1659707428814335_communism….png)

File: 62062a58e3fd569⋯.jpg (169.86 KB, 560x1400, 2:5, 1640767490929_communism_co….jpg)

File: 90b972e97e68f26⋯.jpg (892.72 KB, 1112x2797, 1112:2797, tldr_1600794582508_communi….jpg)


Awesome! Yes, that is logical and excellent. I already do it. I will post this to other places. Shoot first, ask something something later, reload, shoot some more. The government has no right to us.


Here's the story of Randy Weaver for the newfags:



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413671  No.351114

File: de12b614700a017⋯.jpg (109.38 KB, 629x838, 629:838, 1655783885392_alien_glowni….jpg)

William Luther Pierce



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413671  No.351116

File: 06be26caa690e9d⋯.jpg (195.51 KB, 1024x822, 512:411, 1608269277110_waco_FileOpt….jpg)

File: 77ea70b6a7def9f⋯.png (127.64 KB, 927x2380, 927:2380, tldr_1583350180129_Branch_….png)

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413671  No.351141

File: b5bcebb13bdbee4⋯.jpg (24.66 KB, 500x455, 100:91, 1619104179071_compressor_i….jpg)

File: bb9da6022dd31ec⋯.png (535.49 KB, 580x690, 58:69, 1658027258374_2A_compresso….png)


I learned about guns from my uncle that works at Nintendo. Let me tell you what. A sawed off shotgun makes the shotgun fully semi automatic. With that modification, that gives it like a thousand bullets, you can take out the A10 Warthog with that. Randall Weaver basically made an ULTRA MEGADEATH PEW PEW.

Any glowniggers want a raise, they should recommend the military Gatling guns be replaced with sawed off shotguns… save the government 6 million dollars.

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795dd1  No.351142

I work in the schampoo industry and we put estrogen in product to make sales go up.

There I finally said it.

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7fb837  No.351143


WTF you talking about? I actually have a semi-auto shotgun called the American Tactical Bulldog 12G shotgun…. and no it's not sawed off, but like a rifle it has 5 and 10 round magazines for the shells and you can pull the trigger to shoot them, one after another, as fast as your finger lets you. Can't wait till they come out with a drum mag for that. You can get that gun for under $800 too, which is a fair price.

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7fb837  No.351144


I'd believe that actually lol.

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795dd1  No.351147


>implying I'm kidding

Ever wondered why all the masculine guys are bald? It's the body naturally fighting the poisoin I put in schampoos. Compare it to how the hair falls off during chemo-therapy.

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7fb837  No.351149


Holy shit, I don't mean to sound arrogant and hubris but no wonder I am smarter than the average person, I never had a habit of using shampoo, I always used homemade soap from farmer markets. 'THIS EXPLAINS A LOT.''

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7fb837  No.351150


Also, the fluoride in tap also dumbs people down too. I bet this is their trick: poison EVERYTHING.

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795dd1  No.351157


Yeah, don't blame the soyboys for being weak simps because we made them like that. You should hate me. I probably contributed in giving several of your relatives cancer too because I don't know half of what the chems I put in bottles do. C6H5CH3 ? C4H2CH3? C6H1CH1? Who cares! Just put something in because they will buy it anyway.

We also make women get smaller breasts because we have investments in other surgery and cosmetic mutual funds. It's always fun to hear news about "mysterious infertility" as soon as we decide to increase on a certain poison.

I put so many mystery-chems in schampoos that I feel a certain sense of anxiety when I walk down the isles in walmart. I'm afraid I might literally get lung cancer from the fumes of my own products.

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795dd1  No.351160

One of my collegues said he used to put literal glue in the product when he worked in the bread industry. kek

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004424  No.351171


The IRS will never figure out the massive multi-state Amish tax fraud scheme they got going. If that news ever breaks, holy fuck, it will be the crime of the century

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1e2ed4  No.351250


creating a parallel economy is not 'tax fraud'

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004424  No.351321

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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004424  No.351322


That aint it. Its something else

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004424  No.351323


Holding strength:

1. Average 698 lbs: Grip Rite PrimeGuard Plus https://grip-rite.com/

2. Average 693 lbs: SPAX Multi-Purpose Exterior/Deck Screws https://spax.us/

3. Average 689 lbs: GRK Multi-Purpose Framing Screws https://www.grkfasteners.com/

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cc9332  No.351356


0_0 wake



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3bd478  No.351366

File: 7bc637e8ed26abb⋯.png (19 KB, 520x449, 520:449, logo_color_e6c932f8.png)


> creating a parallel economy is not 'tax fraud'

Which is exactly why it is so imperative that we do that immediately.

btw, OpenBazaar is back!

It's called Mobazha now.


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b9c009  No.351373


Well, seeing as I am not 'pro-taxes' since it is theft, I don't really care.

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b9c009  No.351374


I can't believe I watched half of this video.

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d93a56  No.351402


I can't believe Ozzy is moving back to England.

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d93a56  No.351406


Wait, I thought we were de-funding the police.

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10834a  No.351447

I wonder if it has occurred to any of you idiots to look up a little history. IRS agents have ALWAYS been armed. They didn't bring down Al Capone with pocket protectors and slide rules, you know. Field agents have always been armed and trained.


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8646e1  No.351604


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8b3492  No.351620


field agents?

Are they cowboys now?

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10834a  No.351624


The IRS and the Secret Service are the armed enforcement branches of the US Department of Treasury. They always have been.

It's amazing how little you faggots actually know about the country you claim to love/live in.

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710cfe  No.351625

File: 9a4da9c701b7969⋯.mp4 (5.02 MB, 854x480, 427:240, mcafee_deep_state.mp4)


There is a difference between 'loving a nation' (genetic people) and loving a country (kike, inc). I don't have any real use for (((government))) and I don't care what branch of the unconstitutional immoral (taxes are theft) tree of these parasites dropped off. What does the US treasury have to do with an unconstitutional private kike bank anyway…also wtf would lead you to believe that anyone here has some 'love' of the bureaucracy that destroyed our Constitutional Republic over 100 years ago?

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10834a  No.351628


Taxation is established in the Constitution of the United States, thus, it is not theft. If you hate it so much, move out. Stop being a whiny little baby and either pay your fair share or get the fuck out.

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6599aa  No.351636

File: e2c90362fe3d33b⋯.jpg (261.02 KB, 700x743, 700:743, constitution_government_ri….jpg)

File: 29d4f7afcb143ec⋯.jpg (375.22 KB, 700x768, 175:192, constitution_border_protec….jpg)

File: 2a315af26d01c4b⋯.jpg (33.63 KB, 394x502, 197:251, supreme_court_ruling_const….jpg)


Spoken like someone who has no moral compass at all. It is theft because it is not agreed on by the participants but forced on them through violence. The absolute definition of theft is taking something by force without the agreement of one of the party. I don't have a 'fair share' because none of the money being taken from me by force without my consent benefits me or my nation, Whites. The government is not a legitimate or Constitutional government any longer. I don't have any obligation to it.

Fraud would violate all contracts if we had one but we don't even have that. We have nothing…no contract and no Constitution as it was voided in 1913. We can't have 'part of a Constitution'. You need to act according to the entire document for it to be valid. You want it to be seen as valid to fulfill your parasitism. But what do I care about that or even your opinion. It is meaningless to me you are just some criminal kike who is looking to carpetbag Whites without their consent.

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10834a  No.351638


You are literally retarded. I bet you scream "sovereign citizen" when you get pulled over for speeding.

Go ahead and don't pay your taxes. I don't care, but don't come crying to me when heavily armed troopers drag your ass to prison. And, no, your little prepper pea shooter won't stop them. They'll lob sleeping gas at you before you even know they're there.

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313864  No.351640


>heavily armed troopers

>drag your ass to prison

>lob sleeping gas

>won't stop them

It is like you are incapable of reflecting on the very words you are typing. While it is interesting, I seldom see open psychopathy in a public forum, it is also a reflection of an extremely low IQ. Hmmm…I guess I am slumming it here. Are you a nigger?

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2b7136  No.351645

File: 3f76ad031b9052e⋯.mp4 (6.96 MB, 640x360, 16:9, whosalone.mp4)

>What to do?

with 1 post so daring to deliver a narrative that needs it's opposition and cannot even. Being this understaffed and unqualified that you cannot deliver any content worthy of the distraction you were hired to manufacture is great. I now know your not intended. Ever think about deception and it's nature itself? You are part and parcel of a world that you are borne of but intend on manipulating…wtf?

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2b7136  No.351646


unharmoniously, or in oppositional methods so as to intentionally not reciprocate what you are consciously aware of what you require and what the balance comes out to faggot.

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2b7136  No.351647

gey. coom at me bro.

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2b7136  No.351649

File: e2bc84357b8d3b2⋯.jpg (20.14 KB, 534x741, 178:247, hi.jpg)

you got top, give it to me big boi.


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