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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: 93b0f3f5605af86⋯.jpg (108.18 KB, 1170x1451, 1170:1451, 1.jpg)

File: a213a2dc159721b⋯.jpg (192.8 KB, 946x2048, 473:1024, 2.jpg)

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3ccdfc  No.348296

Enjoy, bitches. [1/2]

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3ccdfc  No.348297

File: 33d3bfced9ddb68⋯.jpg (119.45 KB, 1170x1457, 1170:1457, 5.jpg)

File: c78df55cff0f903⋯.jpg (154.91 KB, 1170x1441, 1170:1441, 6.jpg)

File: 3557d8ff3bb2801⋯.jpg (143.55 KB, 1170x1450, 117:145, 7.jpg)

This is gonna be fun! [2/2]

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227096  No.348302

why were those pics deleted? i'm too retarded to check

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3a0028  No.348303

Imagine looking at that bloated mother fucker and thinking yeah he’s worth going to jail for.

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3ccdfc  No.348304


No deleted pics in this thread.

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4cc9a7  No.348305


>This is gonna be fun!

<No. No it isn't going to be fun.

Trump owns properties around the globe.

Trump has a network of trusted associates.

His wife has a network of trusted associates.

The safe was empty.

So this incredibly stupid man is going to possess documents that will reveal nuclear codes? List clandestine military operations and operatives? Jeopardize his own nation's national security on which he himself relies to conduct business?

By leaving said documents out in the open in an unsecured fashion in a location he is known to frequent more than any other?

If there was anything to hide, he'd have hidden it.

The daily shitshow called American politics has devolved into a cannibalistic orgy of profane, illicit and appalling bloodlust, vitriol, hatred and lies. Murderous intent. Not just besting a rival but absolutely destroying a human being.

The Congressional approval rating has been replaced with the disapproval rating because they're so far into negative numbers that approval of any kind is not possible.

Behind closed doors off the record, some world leaders must surely be cursing this Congress and questioning the viability of elected representative self government itself.

The displays of institutional psychosis on display in the Capitol Building have stained, corrupted and infected the marble itself.

This latest chapter in the litany of insanity will only serve to erode confidence around the world, in this system of government.

And that seems to be the goal.

To show the world that:

Jefferson's man as a "rational animal" cannot in fact exist.

This Congress and this current Administration have to date been doing their level best to test the limits of rationality, lawful conduct and sanity itself.

(all expletives have been deleted. 5 f-bombs and other assorted vulgarities)

(no walls were punched during the writing of this post. but they could have been.)

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3ccdfc  No.348310


>he thinks the only government information pertaining to nuclear secrets are the "codes"

You're too stupid to give a proper reply to. Trump never had the codes, ever. The generals were afraid he was going to nuke Iran, so they made damn sure Trump could never access the codes.

Stop defending orange man. He will never have sex with you and he is going to die in prison. Cope, faggot.

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d79076  No.348311


I've watched for 22 years as the so called government has gone progressively more insane with each passing year.

I am far from stupid.

This stunt will create blowback on multiple fronts.

The current administration is not concerned with that.

That is called executive hubris.

I can see from your post, hubris gives you the stiffy.

Big bastard hard on.

Kindly fuck yourself with it.

And you will!


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