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File: 2d5073a28df31cc⋯.png (4.2 MB, 2078x1980, 1039:990, What_is_Wrong_w_my_Ballsac….png)

9053bd  No.348290

Inquiring Minds Want to KNOW!

Sorry my camera takes shit photos, but any medfags know what that is?

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e38d0c  No.348292

That is a Granny Smith apple rolled in Cheeto dust.

Medfags don't come to chan boards.

Their online activities are monitored by their employers.

The apps they have to install on their personal devices as part of the terms and conditions of employment are so loaded with backdoors and spyware that the network knows when they sneeze, snore or pass gas, otherwise known as flatulence.

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9053bd  No.348293

File: cdf68f259b62fda⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 2.32 MB, 2160x1080, 2:1, 20190802_200103.gif)


> That is a Granny Smith apple rolled in Cheeto dust.

Wrong, but good guess.

I'll try to get a better pic if any interest…

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d7ba87  No.348294

File: 9c063c53c469754⋯.jpeg (74.11 KB, 508x491, 508:491, vapors.jpeg)


No code for Dissemintated Candadiasis.

?????????????? dafug?????????????

<Where there's no smoke there's no fire :)

<It's probably just… Neuropathy :DDDDD


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d7ba87  No.348295

File: 8bc75496d229b46⋯.jpeg (13.86 KB, 261x261, 1:1, Cruex.jpeg)


Here ya go champ. Twice a day for 14 days and ya gotta wear clean undies erryday.

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fef0f2  No.348298

File: 25bd88dc195d2b9⋯.jpg (2.73 MB, 1355x1620, 271:324, 1660318793966.jpg)


Yeah, but I don't see what that has to do with my mutated lemon cuke salad…

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fef0f2  No.348299


Was meant for >>348295

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d3d6b3  No.348306



That is NOT a ballsack. We've been trolled by a mischievous

ne'er-do-well. Abandon thread.

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58fb77  No.348327


> Abandon thread.


I wanna know if the cucumber salad was delicious, and what all went in it.

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b4e559  No.348328


Seek and you will find. Here ya go.


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5f5569  No.348330

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>348294< ––––––––

Biggest news story of the Century unfolding here.

And what do we get on the "news"?

Hunter's laptop and an eff bee eye raid on a former President.

(which is preferable to the cum stain on the blue dress)

In a word: whiplash.

We have no Court system and we have no Free Press.

And for the record it's a mafia, once in never out. If you're in that club you keep their secrets for life and then some.

The people are literally walking through mine fields and no one says a word. Not one word. And for those who know how to read between the lines, they're called "conspiracy theorist".

Truth is stranger than fiction because it's been so well hidden.

They say the devil's in the details. This is one of those details.

These criminals don't fear truth because they KNOW the normans won't believe anything that doesn't display the talisman caduceus, and or doesn't occupy a one hour slot on some 24hr news network on dish or cable.

But yeah~ Trump is a racist because that political stunt cock Terry McAuliffe doesn't know how to issue event permits or provide security services for events in the state which he governs.

Now watch a psychotic congress line up at the podium, 300 in a row rapid fire, and speak the lie into the official record.

Makes Nineveh look like a good girl, makes Babylon look like a shoe shine boy and makes the whoredoms of ancient Israel look like

marital fidelity.

And now The Good News:There's no end in sight. The lies, the murders, thefts and sorceries will continue until the heat death of the universe.

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d37e37  No.348332

File: d42f9617bd4eb58⋯.jpeg (10.83 KB, 225x224, 225:224, hot.jpeg)




hot hot hot.

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