> an outlet for my expression of political opinions and public discourse.
You're not gonna have any of those soon. Enjoy it while you can. We'll all be seperate but equal soon — equally fucked. Opening your pie-hole will not be allowed, nor will any unapproved expressions of any kind be tolerated.
Nobody cares what you think.
They only care that you think in the ways they want you to think about the things they want you to think about. Any deviation will not be tolerated.
That's much easier if everything you do and say is tied to your "Identity", a '"Persona"'' that can be painted in any way they so choose.
Psuedonymous Image Boards are slated for removal. The Internet is only getting harder and harder to access pseudonymously, and pseudonymous communications have suffered as a result. Most folks don't even care that their entire lives are catalogued and used against them by multi-national conglomerates of Centralized Control. They live in a Twattered Fakebook world. Most will be led blindly to the slaughter. They already are. Enjoy riding the crest of this wave. It comes crashing down hard.