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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: 63a3011244b5874⋯.jpg (196.42 KB, 1920x1280, 3:2, trump_baruch_disarmament.jpg)

a10dd7  No.348251

WASHINGTON, Aug 11 (Reuters) - U.S. federal agents were looking for top secret documents relating to nuclear weapons when they raided former President Donald Trump's home in Florida this week, the Washington Post reported on Thursday.

It was not clear if such documents were recovered at the former president's Mar-a-Lardo resort in Palm Beach, the Post said. Reuters could not immediately confirm the report.

The U.S. Justice Department asked a judge on Thursday to make public the warrant that authorized the FBI search of Mar-a-Lardo, after Trump, a Republican, portrayed it as political retribution.


theonehurricane dontbombitself

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a10dd7  No.348253

File: 0f7606dfcb8cce0⋯.jpg (152.98 KB, 2000x1000, 2:1, 1470674182_es_080816_trump….jpg)


Q. Even if Trump did steal the Nuclear Codes, couldn't they just change it easily?

A.That's fine except for the fact that it's illegal to steal the nuclear codes.

Q. Muclear codes are based on an algorithm you can't steal them thay Chang two fast.The so called bresidental foot ball is neaded to launch an attack

A. tRump stole the residential football two!

Q. did all of this is happen because Biden was trying to use the codes while suffering a dementia attack so they hid the codes and now they're trying to blame Trump for the dissappearance of the codes.

A. Possible

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d96fda  No.348255

File: 11125e765e120ae⋯.gif (972.92 KB, 312x213, 104:71, 11125e765e120aee72c9676a9c….gif)



Gawd you are stoopid.

You don't know how codes work, or how often said codes are changed.

You're making up shit now, as usual.

You'd believe anything that fits your pre-supposed narrative. You're a ripe receptacle for whatever bullshit The "They" want to fill you with.


A Blind Beluever if I ever saw one.

But you do have a point.

EVERYTHING is about Seizing and Maintaining POWER for these folks, and EVERYTHING — ALL Narratives — are in service to that.

There is NOTHING they would not do in service to their need for ever more power. There is NOTHING Iwould put past them, andTHERE IS NOTHING THEY CAN EVER SAY ABOUT ANYTHING THAT I WILL EVER BELIEVE — PERIOD.

And that goes for more than half this country. This is happening worldwide. You're on the STOOPID Side of this if you believe what Big Brother Government is telling you. I get it you're a fag, and Big Brother Government is currently playing patty-cake with Faggotry right now, using them to get their way. But even faggots aren't all STOOPID!

If y'all up there in Canada still trust your government, then there's really not much we can do for you, and we'll let you fall tp the Communists. You pretty much already have. And y'all were stoopid enough to give up your guns. I hope we're not that stupid here…

> inb4 armies of ridiculously munitioned IRS Agents fan out across America to Audit the Poor to Pay for the Rich to Buy Electric Vehicles, (disarming them in the process, of course!)


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6c1b28  No.348261



Very much this.

So much this.

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a10dd7  No.348272

File: 25c53058f54175d⋯.jpg (192.74 KB, 1200x1530, 40:51, andy_fool.jpg)

>Gawd you are stoopid

theonestoopid dontseeitself

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