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542ece  No.348195

Want To Educate, Give The People More Purpose Of Living, The Society Must Have New Features



The game of life and any online video games are very similar.

If the system do not add any new features, then it is just matter of time before people get bored and leave.

A lot of people in the current society do not know what to do next beside making and spending money.

The current entire society system are outdated and too bored because there is absolutely no new significant “features” over the last 30 years.

The biggest feature is the appeared of technology, computer, internet few decades ago but that is the “trap” feature most people unable to handle it because it is too strong, that’s why many people are lost and rely too much on technology instead of using their powerful mindset to live.

Depending on the level of each beings, they will have different ideas, vision about the society.

Many stupid person want people rely more on technology with some stupid digital feature in money, person information which the purpose of “tracking” and make people become more stupid, idiots.

I see many national governments was and are making that big deadly mistakes.

I have shared my vision about new additional feature in the banking industry and the world economy international trading between nations.

That great project will end the trade war, solve the problem about personal finance which what most people care about at the moment.

But money, wealth are still not the final objective of life.

The true power is knowledge and wisdom.

Many people are still living with an animal mindset and still prefer working as “group, team”, rely on others rather than working alone like a true God.

So if you want to help assist people to learn more about life, then the new project/program must be the new International Personal Passport.

The direct public message to all is:

– Everybody are equal no matter where you are from, what is your race.

– All can grow and evolve at equal opportunity.

– You must train, learn it by yourself.

– The new objective of life for all people is growing, cultivating your new international personal passport to highest level, not the money wealth.

But project/program is super huge and I have all the ingredient in my mind to “cook” that perfect dish of life.

People love “title”, then give them new feature in the life of game.

But money cannot help you raise the level of intelligence but only knowledge wisdom is !

Sound fun, sound interesting ?

You guys should make big donation for me to give me more reason to craft more crazy good ideas, features.

Sorry but I am done with free help, I am not going to waste more time to give free knowledge wisdom while my relative people are suffering because of the lack of little finance.

And frankly, I don’t want to share every secret or society life changing information publicly, I prefer giving surprise for the public entire society.

Best Regard,

Mid Mess Fair





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