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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: 6d0f4701f7c8e62⋯.jpg (269.5 KB, 844x1193, 844:1193, skyk.jpg)

930fe4  No.348176

Hey pilot guy? 4 years ago a legend was borne on this day. Do you faggots remember that day, being here watching a few video games unfold in time? Peachy clean.

Skyking: Mr. Captain Beebow Russell, Godspeed and bless your heart, may your soul guide our own.

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930fe4  No.348177

File: 604282c4dbcd6e4⋯.webm (3.15 MB, 480x272, 30:17, skyking.webm)

>As you all well know by now, we are essentially masking tape, but while attempts at sticking are still admittedly amateur, they are (I threw up a lil bit) possible but… Anyone up for some of that baby and mama orca over there? No? Well, we deserve a barrel roll in the least.


its there and more than he and we could be, just sweet nothings into ears.


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930fe4  No.348178

File: daf563464a61f94⋯.jpg (681.31 KB, 903x869, 903:869, confidence.jpg)

Gotta few screws loose.

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930fe4  No.348189


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930fe4  No.348191

nah, Im a white guy.

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83986d  No.348192

yeah I remember that, feels like yesterday, crazy how the time files

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930fe4  No.348236

>how the time flies

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335b8d  No.348241

File: 11ab5ba21e4415c⋯.png (100.38 KB, 452x338, 226:169, af8.png)


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930fe4  No.348242

File: 0ed17c162b583ba⋯.mp4 (6.35 MB, 576x1024, 9:16, bRD1PnBgodKcXwwHOHpJ_11_5a….mp4)


no autolinked response amirite. What'd i miss?


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