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58d5b0  No.348158

Better your race by bettering yourself

>inb4 defeatist incels

Being a man means figuring out how to make winning plays with the cards you’ve got, no matter how hard.

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19404c  No.348159


there's no such thing as 'tje white race', idiot

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19404c  No.348160

LOL @ your stupid picture

1: lifting weights is exclusively for insecure losers and closet homosexuals

2: eating healthy does NOT include meat, due to factory farming's indiscriminate use of tons of random antibiotics. every time you eat meat, you are taking a dose of random various antibiotics, literally destroying your immune system, not to mention colon cancer, diverticulitis, and a number of other diseases.

3: you suggest seeking knowledge, show a library, yet you spend your life online, reading fake bullshit news, conspiracy theories, and listening to the advice of inexperienced losers .. for example: you get no pussy because you take the advice of sexual failures in chatrooms, which is exactly why you think lifting weights will 'attract girls' (it doesn't… It only leads to you sucking dick)

4: you're already an adult male, with all the romantic experience of the average 5 year old

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