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File: 4eda37fa63053c3⋯.jpg (122.34 KB, 700x699, 700:699, pretty_in_pink.jpg)

f006d1  No.348105

Faggots like me hav always had a hardon for Baz Luhrmann. the iconic homosexual creator of such faggish films like Strictly Ballroom, Moulin Rouge among others.

Girlfriend Baz has outdone himself with his new film bio on original gay icon, 'ELVIS'.

In the film, delicious twink Austin Butler's prtrayal of ELVIS will get the oldest of us closet fags(you know who you are JN!) hard once again.

He sure do look pretty in pink!




PS:Writer James Dickerson has suggested that Colonel Parker had a taste of Elvi cock when the lad was still beautiful

Colonel Parker "held secret information about a homosexual affair between Elvis and actor Nick Adams over … Rumors about Elvis's homosexual leanings, and used this to get 50% and a taste of twink cock."

theonefag sucksitself

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f006d1  No.348106

>a taste of Elvi cock

my apologies for the misspelt words, as I have a lot of dried semen under those computer keys after watching this movie.

theoneandy closetsitself

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ebf69c  No.348111


MIRROR ONE: http://pastebin.zaytsev.net/view/raw/1eddf4fe

MIRROR TWO: https://paster.jwfsanctuary.club/view/raw/cc0d4d00

All Russia-Ukraine war log archives since 02/24/22, sourced anonymously from image boards.

Texts are UTF-8 encoded. Approximately 762KB (~0.7MB) data logged since 02/24/22.

Download the raw UTF-8 compression here: https://rpa.st/download-archive/WGCVQ7XKIVPONSC6MMRH2LKNS4

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ebf69c  No.348112


View ALL Russia-Ukraine war log updates from 2/24/22 through 8/8/2022 here: https://archive.ph/SL1Jn

Despotic psychopath Irish government doesn't want plebs eating beef so they will kill cows and waste good beef in the middle of food shortage strife: https://citizenfreepress.com/breaking/globalist-plan-to-cull-cows-in-ireland/

Governments that are on the ropes routinely resort to plundering the savings of their citizens. This is actually a pretty common theme throughout history. Significantly ramping up tax collection efforts is typically a hallmark of an economy and empire in decline. So we can’t be too surprised that, in its latest legislative bonanza, the US government is setting aside $80 billion for IRS tax collection efforts: https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2022-08-08/us-about-go-full-louis-xvi

EU Clearcutting US For Fuel As Germany Turns Off The Power: https://www.bitchute.com/video/1tX5l5fSSz8D/

Germany Can Save Itself, and Possibly the World, by Abandoning Four Failed Policies: https://www.infowars.com/posts/germany-can-save-itself-and-possibly-the-world-by-abandoning-four-failed-policies/

Norway on Monday announced that due to an 'uncertain and demanding situation' over sky-high electricity prices - caused by low water levels at hydroelectric stations as well as the "dramatic situation in Europe" regarding Ukraine, the government will be limiting electricity exports "when the water level in the reservoirs drops to very low levels: https://www.zerohedge.com/energy/norway-limit-electricity-exports-may-resort-rationing

Cuban fuel depots are being bombed: https://www.zerohedge.com/commodities/looks-battlefield-third-fuel-tank-major-cuban-storage-facility-ignites

The head of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) raised grave concerns on Saturday about the shelling the previous day at the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant in Ukraine, saying the action showed the risk of a nuclear disaster: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/more-worrying-chernobyl-fighting-rages-europes-biggest-nuclear-power-plant

If at least part of the captured territory of Ukraine remains behind Russia, it will be a permanent place for provocations. Mykhailo Podoliak, an adviser to the head of the Presidential Office, said this in an interview for the BBC: http://ukranews.com/en/news/874726-if-russia-keeps-at-least-part-of-ukraine-s-territories-war-will-be-permanent-podoliak

The United States will supply Ukraine with NASAMS short- and medium-range anti-aircraft missile systems within a few months. That follows from a statement by Under Secretary of Defense for Policy Colin Kahl: http://ukranews.com/en/news/874688-united-states-will-deliver-nasams-to-ukraine-within-few-months

Zaporozhye Region Head Signs Decree on Referendum Asking Residents If They Want to Join Russia: https://sputniknews.com/20220808/zaporozhye-head-signs-decree-on-referendum-asking-regions-residents-if-they-want-to-join-russia-1099381034.html

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ebf69c  No.348113


You can thank older generations for propping up what still exists of the US economy: https://www.oftwominds.com/blogaug22/older-workers8-22.html

The Impending Collapse Won’t Just Reset Modern Society, It Will Destroy It: https://theviolentthru.blogspot.com/2022/08/collapse-wont-just-reset-society-it.html

Raft of federally insured banks compromised by unwise over-investment in failing cryptocurrencies and exchanges: https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-08-08-federally-insured-bank-failures-coming-over-investment-cryptocurrencies.html

EU’s sanctions on Poland more severe than those imposed on Russia: https://rmx.news/poland/eus-sanctions-on-poland-more-severe-than-those-imposed-on-russia/

‘With a war going on at its border, the EU is engaged in attacks on its member countries,’ says former Polish Sejm speaker Marek Jurek: https://rmx.news/european-union/with-a-war-going-on-at-its-border-the-eu-is-engaged-in-attacks-on-its-member-countries-says-former-polish-sejm-speaker-marek-jurek/

Climate Communism hits the Netherlands as they shut down food production to starve, subjugate and mass murder their citizens: https://www.theburningplatform.com/2022/08/09/netherlands-to-shut-down-11200-farms-to-meet-climate-goals/

We’re now facing a situation where a huge number of very powerful organizations and elites at an international and at national levels are calling for policies that are basically a suicide pact: https://www.allnewspipeline.com/Global_Elite_Have_A_Suicide_Pact_To_Reduce_The_Worlds_Population.php

CBS News retracted a documentary it briefly released on Sunday after pressure from the Ukrainian government. The original documentary CBS put out examined the flow of military aid to Ukraine and quoted someone familiar with the process who said in April that only 30% of the arms were making it to the frontline. Watch the documentary here: https://www.bitchute.com/embed/g5OgTXkzzLy9/

Russia Suspends US Inspections Of Its Nuclear Arsenal Under New START Treaty: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/russia-suspends-us-inspections-its-nuclear-arsenal-under-new-start-treaty

JIM STONE COMMENTS: Ukraine has struck Russian military bases 130 miles inside crimea. No one knows a whole lot about what happened for sure yet because the story is so new, other than that a large ammo dump was destroyed: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11095387/Mushroom-cloud-seen-rising-near-Russian-military-airbase-Crimea.html

Russia’s Defense Ministry denied the Saki base on the Black Sea had been shelled and said instead that munitions had blown up there. But Ukrainian social networks were abuzz with speculation that it was hit by Ukrainian-fired long-range missiles: https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-zelenskyy-kyiv-dnipropetrovsk-58070c83ccd66b46f6f9bdfbb18a1fec

On August 9, control of Russian-led forces of a large plant on the outskirts of the city of Soledar was officially confirmed. Fighting has reached the streets of the city: https://southfront.org/russian-led-forces-took-control-of-industrial-area-near-soledar/

Russian forces obliterated by precision weapons a Ukrainian Air Force dug-in command post in the Vinnitsa Region, Defense Ministry Spokesman Lieutenant-General Igor Konashenkov reported on Tuesday: https://tass.com/politics/1491387

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35a014  No.348116

The movie is fucking amazing

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f006d1  No.348117

File: e07004267db0467⋯.jpg (8.88 KB, 225x225, 1:1, index.jpg)



Thank you /killcen/.

When the apocolypse arrives, I will make the end for you quickly and painless, unlike the ones like Andy, whom I will put 77 plagues upon.

theonegod seesitself

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fb8def  No.348118

You should have asked me about the Nick Adams story. I've been researching the life of Elvis Presley since I was 12 years old, back when I used to live across the street from Graceland…

Nick Adams was definitely a little bit of a weirdo, and he was a bisexual as well as a wildman.

Elvis indeed DID like Nick, but there was never any kind of sexual relationship with him. He simply thought Nick's attitude was funny, because Nick would tell people to fuck themselves directly to their face, no matter who they were, or how famous they were… Nick was one of those guys that simply didn't give a shit…

(James Dean was a homosexual, and he was one of Elvis' favorite actors, but that didn't mean he had sex with him)

You don't even know the actual story, so of course you'd hear a leftover garbage like an accusation of being gay, and you thought it would bother me.

lol how'd that work out for you?

Of course I suppose you're not aware Elvis was being accused of being gay from the very beginning, after his first appearance on the Louisiana Hayride…

Because it was the first time women had a male sex idol…

And small-minded men like you didn't know how to process their girlfriend wanting to fuck somebody else…

Boyfriends across America instantly began telling their girlfriends "Elvis is a fairy"…

My mother told me the story about how right after she married my father, every time they'd play Elvis on the radio, dad would get uncomfortable about it, because dad knew mom thought Elvis was the most beautiful man she had ever seen…

And even my Marine Corp drill instructor father badass of a father had a hard time processing his wife expressing a desire for Elvis, and used to tell Mom "He's a FAIRY !"

That was the term people used back then..

There's absolutely no chance Elvis was in a gay relationship, because THE BODYGUARDS WOULD HAVE KNOWN

You seem to be unaware Elvis was surrounded by the Memphis Mafia guys 24 hours a day.. Elvis was very unique in the fact that unlike other famous celebrities, he NEVER went to restaurants or social events or went out partying by himself…

He stayed home every night, right there with his parents, didn't drink alcohol, didn't cuss (in the early days, back when Gladys was still alive, back when Elvis knew Nick, a person would be permanently barred from Graceland if they cussed, even if it was as innocuous as saying "dammit")

The bodyguards were with him 24 hours a day, every single day for 20 years…

When he took girls into his bedroom, they were right there with him, and they got to pick and choose from the dozens and dozens of women still waiting…

He was never alone… He never took vacations by himself or with his family.. he never did anything without the bodyguards around.. they were even with him during the honeymoon with Priscilla, something that bothered her and she would often complain about, never actually had him any time alone with her husband.. the only time Priscilla had alone with Elvis was once they had closed the bedroom doors…

But until they walked into that bedroom and close the door behind them, the bodyguards were part of it, involved in every conversation and every event that took place, no matter how insignificant or monumental that moment might have been…

It's interesting that you thought you could surprise me with such amateur content

But what's really strange is how little you seem to actually know about Elvis

Even a brain injured orangutan knows Elvis was never alone..

There's no way Elvis could have been involved with ANYBODY without the bodyguards being aware.. whether it was a business meeting or an argument or partying or recording an album or making a movie or giving away houses and cars….

The bodyguards were always with him around the clock…

If Elvis went into a bedroom with another man and closed the door, THE BODYGUARDS WOULD HAVE BEEN THERE.

And if you have any questions about Elvis' sexuality, I'd recommend you read the Alana Nash book about the Memphis Mafia…

(Elvis is still listed as having more sex than any other human being in history simply because he used to have sex with up to 35 women simultaneously, like a revolving door, all day and all night, bringing 35 women into his bedroom and having sex with all of them)

But I realize you don't have a job, and you don't have a girlfriend, and apparently you're the one with something to hide…

So I'm not surprised you would fantasize about Elvis being gay.

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fb8def  No.348119


Your thread reminded me :

I've been meaning to ask you about your lack of sexual interaction with females, and if you would clarify the difference between CPP Canadian psychiatric disability welfare benefits and simple provincial and territorial disability benefits…

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fb8def  No.348120

Because not that long ago, you suggested that one of these days you would probably eventually have sex with up to 20 women..

And you seemed to suggest the number 20 was some kind of high score…

So tell me about the psychiatric welfare benefits in Canada

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fb8def  No.348121

I realize Canadians seem to think they are a higher caliber of human than other nationalities, and it's really hard for you to express yourself without a false air of self entitlement and imaginary superiority…

But you're on welfare, just like a lazy worthless nigger….

So explain how being a welfare mooch, draining the system, never contributing to society, and spending your life online while women are out there fucking EMPLOYED SELF-SUFFICIENT MALES makes you 'elite'…

I always enjoy a good laugh

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fb8def  No.348122

ALSO : Jack Hamilton's article in SLATE is completely off-base…

It couldn't possibly be any more inaccurate, both about the movie AND about Elvis' role inINVENTING "COOL"

Before Elvis, things were "gee, swell", and the minute after Elvis finished his appearance on The Dorsey Brother's TV show, "cool" had been born…

The term "cool" didn't exist until that moment…

The First Time Can Only Happen ONCE…

And we are still trying to live up to that original definition of 'cool' to this very day…

How much money do you drain from Canadian taxpayers every month? Just curious

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fb8def  No.348123

Jack Hamilton obviously hasn't studied Elvis' life very well, because he doesn't seem to grasp the significance of the '68 SINGER SPECIAL…

Also: Tom Hanks was great as Col. Tom

Hamilton's article is perfect for anyone with no expertise, but an abundance of popmosity and a need to FEIGN expertise….

someone like YOU

again : do you think there's a correlation between your welfare benefits and lack of a woman who loves you?

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fb8def  No.348124


if I'm not mistaken, you mooch $727 per month from Canadian taxpayers while you sit there on your fat sedentary cystic acne ass, staring at a computer and pretending to be an expert in any number of topics you are unfamiliar with…

That means the Canadian taxpayers has determined your existence is only worth $24 a day

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fb8def  No.348126


perhaps if you developed some form of skill…. Like flipping burgers or cleaning toilets….

Maybe you could stop being a mooch

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fb8def  No.348127

I painted a canvas last week for $2,500

it took me two days

if you're interested, I'll gladly teach you how to have TALENT…

then, you could be elite, like me

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fb8def  No.348128

One Last Question :

Did your CPP Welfare status play a role in you being over six weeks late with this thread?

because the movie has been in the theaters since June 24th, and you only now became aware of it, when it finally became available for shut-ins and misfits…

However, it's Premium Pay Per View, not streaming on Netflix or HBO Max…

$18 to watch, $24 to buy

but you only mooch $24 per day…

So either you haven't seen it yet, OR you used fraudulent means to watch it…

Because you're broke

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f006d1  No.348130

>So I'm not surprised you would fantasize about Elvis being gay.

Elvis fucked 990 women and 10 men

This would make him only 1/100 of a fag.

>So explain how being a welfare mooch,

haha, I am welfare mooch!.

And I don't give a fuck Andy what you think.

Fuck humanity and fuck you and I will try to drain the last drop of resources from this husk of a planet just like the 1% do, only at a much lower rate.

>if I'm not mistaken, you mooch $727 per month from Canadian taxpayers

I aint no effin' amature Andy!

I get 1400 $ aa month, plus free dental and drugs because I lie about being disabled,

I even said that I piss my pants so I need another 125 for diapers which I use to buy drugs.

>Did your CPP Welfare status play a role in you being over six weeks late with this thread?


I just got off a kratom/weed/booze bender and I said

"hey, I think I'll bait Andy"

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f006d1  No.348132


>Elvis fucked 990 women and 10 men

>This would make him only 1/100 of a fag.

How much of a fag are you Andy>

I'm 3/4 fag.

Say, Andy, did you know that I asked my 25 yr old nephew who Elvis was and he said some old time hick singer,

I asked my 17 yr old neighbor and he said "who"?

Yet this same 17 yr old was telling me all about how he loves the Beatles.

Elvis was an over-rated hillbilly who never wrote a song in his life and only got known because he copied better R&B 'race' singers.

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5cc076  No.348140

File: 5bea2f5c4a65a87⋯.jpg (7.38 KB, Anne_Margaret.jpg)

File: d69bd6d7044e09d⋯.jpg (20.04 KB, Nick_Adams.jpg)

I don't care. He fucked beautiful men and women. I say good for him.

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f006d1  No.348144

>Did your CPP Welfare status play a role in you being over six weeks late with this thread?

Naw Andy.

It was just released on PPV, and i finally could pirate it

Say Andy, this is how I operate.

Yesterday I needed some Voltaren ointment for my arthrtis, which costs $15 a tube.

I waited outside our local supermarket(which has a pharmacy) oogling teen boys and girls, until 2 scruffy looking black teen boys went in the store.

I immediatedly followed them and went directly to the voltaren and put 2 tubes insdie my jacket.

A middle-aged respectabl white man like me compared to 2 hood rats…whom do you think security was watching?

This one time I peeled off an electronic antitheft tag from a oxyimeter and while walking by, i dropped it in the baby buggie of a young black woman.

I waited til the alarm went off and i then went back and stole the untagged oxymeter.\Am I a 'bad' person Andy?

a 'sac' of shit?

theoneevil dontseeitself

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f006d1  No.348149

>I don't care. He fucked beautiful men and women. I say good for him.

15 yrs ago, Andy, I had to babysit my rich old landlord who had dementia, along with his old bag GF.

She was 68 at the time, and I was young enough to be her son, but I fucked her in front of the old guy and he quited down from his usually agitated state.

We fucked for 2 weeks in front of him til he went off his rocker completely and had to be hospitalized.

His old bag GF was clean but a heavy smoker and even her cunt smelled like tobacco.

she didnt feel any guilt as she said he was a emi-vegetable.

am i a ad person, Andy?

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f006d1  No.348150


god-damned semen under the eys again

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35a014  No.348161


I wasn't insulting you, dude …

lighten up

I was teaching you


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35a014  No.348162


btw, you learned from the best

You're welcome

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35a014  No.348163

HINT: I don't judge people on being lazy bums

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35a014  No.348164

I also don't look down my nose at people for taking a month to earn half of what I can earn in 2 days simply by putting paint on a canvas


…..just because I'm better than you, doesn't mean I think I'm superior

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35a014  No.348165

the Elvis movie is GREAT

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35a014  No.348166

I saw it 3 times already, and I'm buying it for $24

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35a014  No.348167


if you'd fuck a sagging sexagenarian ashtray with dementia, you should consider marrying ASHLEY SCHNEIDER

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f006d1  No.348179

>the Elvis movie is GREAT

Goodnight Andy.

Do you need Viagra?

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b3e736  No.348181


MIRROR ONE: http://pastebin.zaytsev.net/view/raw/1eddf4fe

MIRROR TWO: https://paster.jwfsanctuary.club/view/raw/cc0d4d00

All Russia-Ukraine war log archives since 02/24/22, sourced anonymously from image boards.

Texts are UTF-8 encoded. Approximately 762KB (~0.7MB) data logged since 02/24/22.

Download the raw UTF-8 compression here: https://rpa.st/download-archive/WGCVQ7XKIVPONSC6MMRH2LKNS4

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b3e736  No.348182



View ALL Russia-Ukraine war log updates from 2/24/22 through 8/8/2022 here: https://archive.ph/SL1Jn

Despotic psychopath Irish government doesn't want plebs eating beef so they will kill cows and waste good beef in the middle of food shortage strife: https://citizenfreepress.com/breaking/globalist-plan-to-cull-cows-in-ireland/

Governments that are on the ropes routinely resort to plundering the savings of their citizens. This is actually a pretty common theme throughout history. Significantly ramping up tax collection efforts is typically a hallmark of an economy and empire in decline. So we can’t be too surprised that, in its latest legislative bonanza, the US government is setting aside $80 billion for IRS tax collection efforts: https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2022-08-08/us-about-go-full-louis-xvi

EU Clearcutting US For Fuel As Germany Turns Off The Power: https://www.bitchute.com/video/1tX5l5fSSz8D/

Germany Can Save Itself, and Possibly the World, by Abandoning Four Failed Policies: https://www.infowars.com/posts/germany-can-save-itself-and-possibly-the-world-by-abandoning-four-failed-policies/

Norway on Monday announced that due to an 'uncertain and demanding situation' over sky-high electricity prices - caused by low water levels at hydroelectric stations as well as the "dramatic situation in Europe" regarding Ukraine, the government will be limiting electricity exports "when the water level in the reservoirs drops to very low levels: https://www.zerohedge.com/energy/norway-limit-electricity-exports-may-resort-rationing

Cuban fuel depots are being bombed: https://www.zerohedge.com/commodities/looks-battlefield-third-fuel-tank-major-cuban-storage-facility-ignites

The head of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) raised grave concerns on Saturday about the shelling the previous day at the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant in Ukraine, saying the action showed the risk of a nuclear disaster: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/more-worrying-chernobyl-fighting-rages-europes-biggest-nuclear-power-plant

If at least part of the captured territory of Ukraine remains behind Russia, it will be a permanent place for provocations. Mykhailo Podoliak, an adviser to the head of the Presidential Office, said this in an interview for the BBC: http://ukranews.com/en/news/874726-if-russia-keeps-at-least-part-of-ukraine-s-territories-war-will-be-permanent-podoliak

The United States will supply Ukraine with NASAMS short- and medium-range anti-aircraft missile systems within a few months. That follows from a statement by Under Secretary of Defense for Policy Colin Kahl: http://ukranews.com/en/news/874688-united-states-will-deliver-nasams-to-ukraine-within-few-months

Zaporozhye Region Head Signs Decree on Referendum Asking Residents If They Want to Join Russia: https://sputniknews.com/20220808/zaporozhye-head-signs-decree-on-referendum-asking-regions-residents-if-they-want-to-join-russia-1099381034.html

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b3e736  No.348183



You can thank older generations for propping up what still exists of the US economy: https://www.oftwominds.com/blogaug22/older-workers8-22.html

The Impending Collapse Won’t Just Reset Modern Society, It Will Destroy It: https://theviolentthru.blogspot.com/2022/08/collapse-wont-just-reset-society-it.html

Raft of federally insured banks compromised by unwise over-investment in failing cryptocurrencies and exchanges: https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-08-08-federally-insured-bank-failures-coming-over-investment-cryptocurrencies.html

EU’s sanctions on Poland more severe than those imposed on Russia: https://rmx.news/poland/eus-sanctions-on-poland-more-severe-than-those-imposed-on-russia/

‘With a war going on at its border, the EU is engaged in attacks on its member countries,’ says former Polish Sejm speaker Marek Jurek: https://rmx.news/european-union/with-a-war-going-on-at-its-border-the-eu-is-engaged-in-attacks-on-its-member-countries-says-former-polish-sejm-speaker-marek-jurek/

Climate Communism hits the Netherlands as they shut down food production to starve, subjugate and mass murder their citizens: https://www.theburningplatform.com/2022/08/09/netherlands-to-shut-down-11200-farms-to-meet-climate-goals/

We’re now facing a situation where a huge number of very powerful organizations and elites at an international and at national levels are calling for policies that are basically a suicide pact: https://www.allnewspipeline.com/Global_Elite_Have_A_Suicide_Pact_To_Reduce_The_Worlds_Population.php

CBS News retracted a documentary it briefly released on Sunday after pressure from the Ukrainian government. The original documentary CBS put out examined the flow of military aid to Ukraine and quoted someone familiar with the process who said in April that only 30% of the arms were making it to the frontline. Watch the documentary here: https://www.bitchute.com/embed/g5OgTXkzzLy9/

Russia Suspends US Inspections Of Its Nuclear Arsenal Under New START Treaty: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/russia-suspends-us-inspections-its-nuclear-arsenal-under-new-start-treaty

JIM STONE COMMENTS: Ukraine has struck Russian military bases 130 miles inside crimea. No one knows a whole lot about what happened for sure yet because the story is so new, other than that a large ammo dump was destroyed: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11095387/Mushroom-cloud-seen-rising-near-Russian-military-airbase-Crimea.html

Russia’s Defense Ministry denied the Saki base on the Black Sea had been shelled and said instead that munitions had blown up there. But Ukrainian social networks were abuzz with speculation that it was hit by Ukrainian-fired long-range missiles: https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-zelenskyy-kyiv-dnipropetrovsk-58070c83ccd66b46f6f9bdfbb18a1fec

On August 9, control of Russian-led forces of a large plant on the outskirts of the city of Soledar was officially confirmed. Fighting has reached the streets of the city: https://southfront.org/russian-led-forces-took-control-of-industrial-area-near-soledar/

Russian forces obliterated by precision weapons a Ukrainian Air Force dug-in command post in the Vinnitsa Region, Defense Ministry Spokesman Lieutenant-General Igor Konashenkov reported on Tuesday: https://tass.com/politics/1491387

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f006d1  No.348196

>You can thank older generations for propping up what still exists of the US economy

Say, /killcen/, do you recycle?

theonerecycler recyclesitself

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a0691e  No.348199

File: 617e58c6f91c1b0⋯.jpg (658.41 KB, 2560x1280, 2:1, PicsArt_06_23_11_05_13.jpg)

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I think it's obvious that OP was intimating that (You) are gay, JN!That seems obvious to everyone but (You)!


In the film, delicious twink Austin Butler's prtrayal of ELVIS will get the oldest of us closet fags (you know who you are JN!) hard once again.

The "rumour" part was about Elvis.

> Rumors about Elvis's homosexual leanings

Everybody Already KNOWS JN is a Flaming Faggot!

> Methinks He Doeth Protest Too Much!

< inb4 all the braggart stories that actually portray a much sadder picture than the one most likely intended… with all that persona-painting…

This place will not let me post images from this browser anymore, and this OS is not one I wanna use another browser in, so getting on another device…

Yeah, about that… that was yesterday, and I had more important things to do on the other device than post here, so…

Aren't you lucky I saved the post for today!

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