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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: e84e9b5d3595d6c⋯.jpeg (145.37 KB, 720x874, 360:437, 0EB3E4A4_1D23_4061_B118_B….jpeg)

3b774c  No.348093

Trump needs a army but we can take over

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700148  No.348097

Don't listen to the blackpillers as many are DNC shills.

What matters is you vote pro-Constitutional grassroots into local and state offices. You assemble like-minded people to COUNT THE VOTES and do transparent audits to assure no cheating is going on! You rally people to do this and you tell them their country and way of life is in danger if they do not! And you get good people, average Joe Sixpack to start getting politically involved! If enough good people stand up, their house of cards based on debt slavery and exploitation will collapse! But you need GOOD PRO-CONSTITUTIONAL AVERAGE AMERICANS running and winning elections all over the country! And you need to make sure the cheating is nipped in the bud by being active!

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ca27fd  No.348099

File: 7ad760592949242⋯.jpeg (8.53 KB, 225x225, 1:1, download.jpeg)


"Stop Making Sense"

–The Talking Heads

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ee694f  No.348133

How does it feel to be impotent irrelevant white trash?

I'm assuming it must not be a very pleasant feeling, based upon your incessant desire to overcompensate…

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ee694f  No.348134

congratulations on the 'finally discovering the Talking Heads 45 years too late' accomplishment !!!

by the way, I heard they've invented a thing called a WATERBED…

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ee694f  No.348135


by the way, that is a HIDEOUS illustration…

it's horribly executed….

aesthetically repelling, amateurish, and effeminate in it's execution

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ee694f  No.348136


but I think the funniest part is your decision to use the word "WE"….

….as if you're "part of something"

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