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6677d5  No.348074

Many Big Ideas For Global Currencies Using Rules In The Current World Financial System

Full article, source:



It is time for humanity stop living like animals but instead using mindset brain to solve the conflicts.

The current world economy financial system are only “reward” the people of the 1st world countries due to their colonies back in the old time and maybe you can say as “educating” other people in other regions if you have humor sense.

The easiest evidence is the currency exchange rate and the minimum wage of those nations in the West (USA, Canada, UK, Germany, France, etc.) are much higher than the rest of the world from 5 to 10 times.

Thus the people come from those nations have more opportunity to travel, buy products services of foreign countries at “cheap” price.

But that also bring a lot of trouble for those nations as well such as the refugee crisis, the lazy people character, less jobs and make the average level of the public people more stupid due to their “easy” society.

Beside the option of replacing with a completely new monetary system, there is another choice of having some new common global currencies using rules for the current world economy monetary system.

Too long…

Full article, source:



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