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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

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c6eb7a  No.348063

let's start with one of the most underrated lead guitar brakes ever, and simultaneously one of the most emotional exquisite examples of effervescent ever!!!


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c6eb7a  No.348073

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People are dumb…. that's why they watch a tiktok video, stick their tongue into an electrical outlet… that's why they voted for Trump..

People often say Dentists Numb Patients' gums with novacaine, when its actually LIDOCAINE…

And when people say "Angus Young's Lead Guitar on 'YOU SHOOK ME ALL NIGHT LONG' is the best… They actually meantELLIOTT EASTON's LEAD SOLO ON SHAKE IT UP'

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c6eb7a  No.348114

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The lead guitar break at the end of The Abbey road medley is actually THREE GUITARISTS… not one

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c6eb7a  No.348115

LOL YouTube blocked the lead break on Abbey road do the copyright infringement even though I modified it

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