JIM STONE COMMENTS: Why is the West intentionally being destroyed?
That's an easy answer. Because during World War 2 there were "foo fighters" following allied and probably German aircraft. They manifested as bright glowing balls that followed the squadrons but did nothing to interfere with battle. What were they? Obviously an off planet civilization, observing what was going on.
What did they observe? They observed that as soon as we got advanced enough to fly and kill each other, that is exactly what we did, and that all ended with the atomic bomb, and subsequent nuclear tests they saw. And we used the bomb, too.
What would you do if you were an alien civilization, watching THIS civilization do that, the moment it possibly could? MY ANSWER:
I would find the traitors in that civilization and give them a special mission to undermine it and destroy it, to prevent it from escaping the planet where it could threaten other civilizations. There was probably a great deal of fear and concern with how fast we got the bomb, and how willing we were to use it. AND WHEN WAS ROSWELL? Quite close timing there with the bombing of Hiroshima, there were tons of UFO sightings starting after WW2 and most likely they reduced in number because our radars and aircraft and cameras were rapidly becoming better at documenting them.
The Jews, which are heavily seeded with reptoids (yes, I believe there are those who are reptoid or invasive alien impostors among us) are doing a very good job of wiping out Western civilization. My guess is that the already bad Jews were infiltrated because they are so corruptible against other groups, and they got used because they passed the benchmark of evil necessary for the completion of the tasks the reptoids had for them.
Crazy? Well, that's my answer. There would be no other reason to destroy Western civilization on purpose, if left to his own will, the Jew will instead capture, use, enslave and profit, wanton destruction would be very counterproductive unless there is a huge payoff for doing it promised.
MY COMMENT: These "aliens" are DEMONS!!! The "Fallen Angels" warned about in Biblical history, they were here BEFORE THE GREAT FLOOD and AFTER THE GREAT FLOOD! They hate all humans because we were all made in the imagine of God! That's a FACT. I'm not saying demons don't live on other planets, MANY DO and in fact, many of them live in the stars too as they are multi-dimensional beings (spirits). Satan lives in our Sun. “What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.” - Ecclesiastes 1:9 Take that to note. This is an infinite battle between good and evil!