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a4f453  No.347699

The Authority Governments Are Failed To Assist The People Because Their Life Knowledge Are Limited




The main duty of all the national governments, authorities are help, assist the people but not monitor, tracking the citizens.

But most of them do not understand that basic knowledge of living.

If you want to truly assist help the public people and make the correct policy, you first need to understand the nature of humans, then the living environment on planet Earth, the new technology machine and even Universe to the highest level.

But the life knowledge of those people in charge of many nations are limited, thus they no longer able to help the public people in the modern day with the appear of technology machine.

Because most people unable to handle the technology machine in the modern day, thus they are losing, dying and do not function like a proper human anymore.

Do you know the hidden purpose of all those corona virus COVID pandemic, the physical weapon war in the CIS region?

The primary purpose is creating the “hard” time to “hope” the public mortal humans to use their brain to think, to live with more purpose.

But that “gambling” are failing because all kind of inflation, shortage of energy, etc. cannot make a big difference because the root problem of the public is the human lazy mindset and technology machine.

The nature of human are an unlimited powerful beings.

While the technology machine are just a limited tool.

That’s why human must able to control the technology machine but not the way around.

But due to lack of education, low level of living, most humans are “worship” the technology and think technology are magic like “God”.

The problem is not only from the bottom class but mainly from the people who think are the top class in almost all national governments as well.

Instead of encourage people using less technology, machine, they are promoting it and even force citizens to use the unseen digital document instead of the physical paper document.

There is absolutely no reason to force the people using passport, national identity card that including the chipset, mobile phone sim like.

Tracking, monitoring citizen via high-end technology only make things worst because people will more and more rely, “worship” the technology, thus will forget the nature Earth and themselves as a powerful beings.

Instead of encourage people using technology to study, to learn about life, those secret controllers group using it just to make money and gain their illusion power over others.

As a high level beings, with the current policy of many nations, I can see the collapse of many nations in this society due to either weapon war or natural disaster because the national governments are no longer do their duty in the correct way, thus the nations will be break up.

There is still a little time left for them to change for the better.

But with those current stupid ignorance controllers in both the public and private government, I don’t see any positive result at all.

Instead of spending few millions to receive advice, help from others. They prefer spending trillions to “gambling” the unknown plan, policy.

I guess certain high level beings already did gave them the red card for their stupid deadly plan about digital currency and/or world currency.

Well, life is easy and simple, but with the ego of idiots, the society will turn into chaos mode.

Best Regard,

Mid Mess Fair




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