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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

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2a3249  No.347579

>indonesia bans paypal temporarily

>amerilards start spewing the usual shit about censorship

>same amerilards do supports "fact checking" and all kind of big corpos censoring

>they all eat whatever propaganda both the left and right leaning parties are telling them

>they all are too retarded to understand that globalism isn't good

>"uh, it's just a shot" "uh it's just a bug eat it" "uh it's just your rights being taken away shut the fuck up nazi"

>they consider Wikipedia a reliable source and get all of their news from Reddit (or /pol/)

goddamit, why did people became so idiot? why is internet such a wasteland? why is everyone part of this shit corporatist mono culture? They all pretend to be communists or socialists and then buy everything that [Brand] is offering them, while burning away all of their constitutional rights for some safe space on the internet.

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