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File: 518536dced3a73e⋯.jpg (163.89 KB, 1424x720, 89:45, Picsart_22_08_02_19_42_19_….jpg)

72101b  No.347382

And if I do, it'll be Republican

I've been telling you for years :

I amNOTa Democrat'

I am NOT a "leftist", nor am I a Republican or a "right winger"…

I'm none of that shit…

I've only voted once in my life, and that was for Ross Perot, as a protest vote against our bullshit corrupt system…

I knew Perot wasn't going to win when I voted for him.

And if I end up voting in 2 years, it won't be for the Democrats…

I'm hoping the Republicans win…

And I hope they expedite the end of the human race…. I honestly do…

I hate the entire god damn human race.

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72101b  No.347383

File: 1cf0279bd88c9c9⋯.jpg (156.71 KB, 1424x720, 89:45, Picsart_22_08_02_19_40_31_….jpg)

I hope my family and I are annihilated in a nuclear blast

I hope you and your family are vaporized.

I hope THE ENTIRE HUMAN RACE is eliminated

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72101b  No.347384

File: 2a2c1f49e577ada⋯.jpg (2.03 MB, 1440x2560, 9:16, IMG_20151014_124813.jpg)

It can't possibly happen fast enough for me

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7de862  No.347430

I'd vote for tRump if I wasn't a Canadian.

I'm old and don't give a shit.

tRump is our best hope for fucking things up so badly that a new order arrives.

Most likely though, he just sets the stage for the neo-liberal downfall.

C'mon. admit it Andy

tRump was fun and I really enjoyed seeing the U asS of A embarrassed

i need more of this stuff to add to my list

Remember when Trump asked if nukes could stop a hurricane?

Remember when Trump suggested 'raking' prevents forest fires?

Remember when Trump suggested "windmills"(turbines) cause cancer?

Remember when Trump said Climate Change is a Chinese Hoax?

Remember when Trump was a prolific anti-vaxxer?

Remember when Trump fueled a racist conspiracy theory that Obama was born in Kenya?

Remember when Trump said he would run into a school unarmed to stop a school shooting?

Remember when Trump proposed an "alligator moat" at the border?

Remember when Trump stared directly at a solar eclipse?

Remember when Trump tried to buy Greenland?

Remember when Trump directed the EPA to investigate toilets?

Remember when Trump threatened to deny emergency funding for deadly California wildfires, despite the majority of fires being on federal land?

Remember when Trump's ‘plan’ for dealing with the deficit was by printing more money. The moron don't know what hyper-inflation is?

Remember when Trump autographed bibles during a visit to a disaster zone?

Remember when Trump posted a photoshopped photo of his head over Greta Thunberg's Time magazine cover because he was jealous of a teenager?

Remember the time Trump wanted to move Seoul/Population 9.776 million because it was too close to NK?..

Remember when Trump asked if a "good solid flus shot" would help covid patients?

Remember when Trump said the covid virus was "very smart" because antibiotics didn't affect it?

Remember when Trump asked if disinfectants could be used inside the body?

Remember when Trump said the 15 cases would drop to zero?

Remember when Trump said "one day, like a miracle" Covid would just somehow disappear?

Remember when Trump made a bit of a historical blunder during his Fourth of July “Salute to America” speech Thursday when he said that the Continental Army “took over the airports” from the British during the American Revolutionary War in the 1770s.

Remember when Trump tried to destroy the US and hang Mike Pence 1/6

Remember when Trump paid $2 million to 8 charities(including kids) as part of a settlement in which the president admitted he misused funds raised by the Donald J. Trump Foundation to promote his presidential bid and pay off business debts

theonetRump dontseeitself

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7de862  No.347434

File: bc107e2606aab71⋯.png (345.91 KB, 700x394, 350:197, Screenshot_648_thumb_700xa….png)


Is aging this bad for a narcissist?

Imagine spending your last few valuable hrs on this planet wasted on a 3rd rate website?

Are you happy?

I spent last week drinking fine wine and visiting the AGO(art gallery of ont) in TO.

I met a fine young man there, but today I feel a little ill, and I have these spots all over me.

WTF Andy?

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181305  No.347495



This would be called: Infinite Justice.

Only the truly insane would wish for it.

But hey, it's your wish.

You do you. Comme si, comme ca.

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2e48c5  No.347508


>Infinite Justice

Taken to the enth degree, the Universe would then collapse, implode and condense to the fabled "singularity" with no possibility of ever (at any existence time or at no existence of time) returning to it's previous state. That is to say permanent singularity; incapable of creating, housing or perpetuating any sentient consciousness or any memory, imprint or potential for it or life of any kind in any remaining space or time.

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2e48c5  No.347509



Who is dis qt3.145783429?

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7518bc  No.347512


ah, yes .. I remember it well



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7518bc  No.347513


he's THE most embarrassing, disgusting, repugnant obese little child I've ever seen

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7518bc  No.347520

I wonder if they already gave killcen the carotid endarterectomy

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7518bc  No.347521


I'm offended @ 3rd rate website …

I've brought this place down to a 7th rate toilet

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7de862  No.347539


>I've brought this place down to a 7th rate toilet

For a real pro blo

dial 699-6969

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7de862  No.347540


>For a real pro blo

>dial 699-6969

I see this scrawled on the walls above the urinals at all the Dunkin' donuts stores in Georgia.

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89b1fb  No.347572


Bumping for nihilist misanthropic end of the universe.

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fa10f8  No.347674



>Remember when Trump asked if nukes could stop a hurricane?

The US military had tests like that before in the past. None of it really worked but he just wanted to know. So?

>Remember when Trump directed the EPA to investigate toilets?

Yes because they were shitting up all over their own bathrooms by clogging up their toilets at the offices. You remember how those reports came out yet the mainstream media never covered any of it?

>Remember when Trump said Climate Change is a Chinese Hoax?

It's a hoax that certainly benefits Russia and China at our own expense, correct. You can't de-industrialize the Western world at our own benefit. You have to be retarded to think otherwise.

>Remember when Trump stared directly at a solar eclipse?

Yes he did and so did I, just for a second. No big deal, you can't go blind looking at it for one second, in fact it's good for you because of the amount of Vitamin D your body just converted that sunlight into.

>Remember when Trump autographed bibles during a visit to a disaster zone?

Wow! A moral President doing something good for a change! What a fucking shocker!

>Remember when Trump said "one day, like a miracle" Covid would just somehow disappear?

And it did. Because my community never had lockdowns, vaccine passports OR mandates. Poof, two years later and hardly anyone even talks about it it.

>Remember when Trump tried to destroy the US and hang Mike Pence 1/6

No I do not. I remember when Trump litterally told people over Twitter to "go back home" during the protest on Jan 6th. He literally did the exact opposite what you and the mainstream corporate propagandist State-run media claimed he did. Go fuck yourself.

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fa10f8  No.347675


>I'm hoping the Republicans win

I'm hoping so too. Honestly lower taxes and less bureaucracy is a good thing. All I want is my Constitutional rights and the rule of law enforced. We can still have our Constitutional freedoms and a civilized society too. What we need to do is get rid of RINO neo-cons, kick those corrupt SOBs the hell out already and restore legit traditional conservative values. We don't need to get involved in endless wars, nor do we need to give up our individual liberties or national sovereignty. We could - if we choose to - become a beacon of freedom and prosperity in the world once again. That is going to take a massive paradigm shift though!

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7de862  No.347706


you got me there tRumptard!

6 outta 36 aint bad!

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