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2ca548  No.347218

The China Zero COVID Policy Only Tell The Truth Of This Scam Pandemic Event




The only purpose of fake scam corona virus COVID pandemic event is trying to “save” the Chinese Communist Party and their regime !

If you have common sense and mind set of a normal human, you should wonder what is the “positive” effect of this event, what is the objective?

Was the COVID “teach, educate” people?

No, I don’t see any teaching at all.

This fake pandemic event also how weak of the Western Nations are.

They do not have any real leader who can lead.

Most of the current world leaders are just the puppet paid actors from certain business group and rich money family.

All the beings, entities (especially the politicians, leaders both in private and public) who either designed or support the COVID pandemic event will die and gone for sure, that is the way of life.

There won’t any super beings come out of nowhere, there won’t any Jesus or Buddha appear in physical in modern era.


Because each human are own Gods, and they must save themselves alone.

Other beings can only give little certain help behind the scene only.

If you still expecting any teaching like school subjects to remember, then you are just an idiot beings who with animal mindset only.

The new era on Earth will only come after the truth of this whole fake COVID pandemic event brought to light.

Best Regard,

Mid Mess Fair




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