So. This is what it's come to. The Department of Homeland Butt Sniffers, most of whom couldn't find gainful employment in the private sector (thanks to the Rockefeller plan) has now been enlisted by the current administration to conduct an ongoing criminal investigation against an actual security agency.
I get it. You want to sniff our butts. A nice clean freshly washed butthole is certainly a sweet savour… but [sic] trying to find a stinky where there is no stinky is treason.
Does anyone remember "Operation Infinite Justice" ?
I do. And I wish to Wavy Gravy that I didn't.
I was uniquely blessed and positioned to bear witness as the Congress went batshit insane and created a make work program to end all make work programs. The New American Stasi was born and I was there when they cut the cord.
I watched them do tons of crazy shit.
They've become hostages to The Lobby.
Thralls held in thrall to thralls.
The world is watching and this kind of nonsense is not good for our brand. But the Establishment doesn't care. After 4 years of "russian collusion" "pee-peegate" and the effective nullification of the vote by an entrenched political class hell bent on fucking up this country as hard and fast as they can, you'd think it was time for another Woodstock.
The revolution will not be televised but crazy mother fuckets legislating the United States Constitution out of existence will be televised.
It is time to remodel the lobby. Goddamn.
This is gonna suck. Embrace the suck.
It also sucked riding the Mayflower and leaving behind everything and everyone you ever knew, but they did it.
The Protestant Reformation created this nation and if we lose it we'll have no one blame but ourselves.
Time to fire up the Lava Lamp™ revive the 60's.
The buck stops here and now or kiss it all goodbye.
I wish it was "wildly hyperbolic" but it isn't.
Shout out to Ward Churchill.
In a Pig's Eye ;)